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1. What is the function of the skeletal system?. To support the weight of your body.

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Presentation on theme: "1. What is the function of the skeletal system?. To support the weight of your body."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What is the function of the skeletal system?

2 To support the weight of your body

3 Watch the replay of this ACL tear. u7Lc u7Lc Because her knee was forced to move a way in which it was not intended, the ligament holding the thigh and shin bone together snapped. This leaves the knee unstable due to only tendon connection.

4 Let’s observe the knee structure. s_it.html s_it.html

5 Let’s observe the knee structure. 2. Is a ligament a part of the muscular or skeletal system? 3. What is the function of the muscular system? 4. Muscles can only pull so they must work in __________.

6 Why does it affect girls more than boys? XGlo XGlo

7 Skeletal system/Muscular system Draw and label parts. Write the function Ligament Tendon

8 Glue your muscular/skeletal system page into your journal. Add to your table of contents. 1.System Research 2.Skeletal/muscularmain ideas 3.Skeletal/muscular virtual research 4.Cardiovascular Activity

9 Cardiovascular System Exercise: Pulse Before: _________ pulses/minute Pulse After: __________ pulses/minute

10 Find your pulse at your neck, wrist, or temple. These are major arteries (blood coming FROM your heart). Count the pulse for 15 seconds How can a figure the number for a minute? Figure it and record it in the before blank.

11 Do the following exercise of your choice for 3 minutes. Jog in place March in place Arm circles Jumping jacks Let’s get our hearts pumping.

12 Find your pulse at your neck, wrist, or temple. These are major arteries (blood coming FROM your heart). Count the pulse for 15 seconds How can a figure the number for a minute? Figure it and record it in the after blank.

13 Thinking questions. What is the relationship between physical activity and pulse rate? What physical activity caused the pulse rate to increase the most?

14 Write and answer this question on the page you wrote your pulse rates. Why do you think the physical activity caused your heart to pump faster?

15 Parts of the circulatory system. 1.Heart – Two top chambers- atria – Two bottom chambers- ventricles

16 Parts of the circulatory system. 2. Blood Vessels

17 Parts of the circulatory system. Blood Vessels – Arteries- carry blood away from the heart

18 Parts of the circulatory system. Blood Vessels – Arteries- carry blood away from the heart – Veins- carry blood to the heart

19 Parts of the circulatory system. Blood Vessels – Arteries- carry blood away from the heart – Veins- carry blood to the heart – Capillaries- one blood cell thick and exchanges waste, water, and oxygen with tissues.

20 Parts of the circulatory system. 3. Blood (is made in bone marrow!!!)

21 Parts of the circulatory system. Blood (is made in bone marrow!!!) – Red Blood Cells: Delivers oxygen

22 Parts of the circulatory system. Blood (is made in bone marrow!!!) – Red Blood Cells: Delivers oxygen – White Blood Cells: Fight diseases

23 Parts of the circulatory system. Blood (is made in bone marrow!!!) – Red Blood Cells: Delivers oxygen – White Blood Cells: Fight diseases – Platelets: Stop bleeding

24 What organs allow the circulatory system to function? What is the function of the circulatory sytem?

25 What organs allow the circulatory system to function? Heart, blood vessels, and blood What is the function of the circulatory sytem? To transport food and oxygen to body cells and remove cell waste.

26 Circulatory system Draw and label parts. Write the function

27 Get out questions to “The Body’s Transportation System.” We are going to grade them.

28 We are using a lung model to learn about the respiratory system.

29 Simulation of Breathing http://teachhealthk- reathing3.swf http://teachhealthk- reathing3.swf

30 What do you think is happening in this picture?

31 Trachea Lung Diaphragm

32 Write the questions and answers on the lab paper I handed you. Why do we have nasal hairs? What is the difference between a mechanical and chemical change?

33 Saliva

34 Digestive System Video m?guidAssetId=F4055638-FF3E-4EE4-9853- B932E885D3DE&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US m?guidAssetId=F4055638-FF3E-4EE4-9853- B932E885D3DE&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US

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