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WWII Home front Mrs. O’Neill. Blitzkrieg- Lightening War; Poland Sitzkrieg-Sitting War “Bore War” –France and Western Europe Maginot Line.

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Presentation on theme: "WWII Home front Mrs. O’Neill. Blitzkrieg- Lightening War; Poland Sitzkrieg-Sitting War “Bore War” –France and Western Europe Maginot Line."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII Home front Mrs. O’Neill

2 Blitzkrieg- Lightening War; Poland Sitzkrieg-Sitting War “Bore War” –France and Western Europe Maginot Line

3 Miracle at Dunkirk 1940 3 day delay! 850 ships headed to Dunkirk from England and saved 338,000 British and French troops but British army equipment remained Fall of France

4 Nazis Marching through Paris

5 1940 Battle of Britain “Even through large tracts of Europe have fallen…we shall not flag or fail…we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be…we shall never surrender…” Use of Radar

6 Germany loses 1,773 aircraft

7 “Neutral” Nation Neutrality Act of 1939 –Cash and Carry Destroyers-for-Bases Deal - 50 destroyers for right to build American bases on Newfoundland, Bermuda, and islands in the Caribbean Lend-Lease Act

8 Neutrality Debate! Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies America First Committee- isolationist group opposed to any American intervention or aid to the Allies Nye Committee- only reason U.S. had entered WWI was for arms

9 SS St. Louis May 27 th, 1939 930 passengers

10 Election of 1940- FDR 4 Freedoms Speech 1. Speech 2. Worship 3. Want 4. Fear 1941- Hitler invades Soviet Union Operation Barbarossa Atlantic Charter –Postwar World of democracy Churchill and FDR

11 Pearl Harbor Attack Scene QgoY QgoY FDR “Date Which Will Live in Infamy”

12 Pearl Harbor December 7 th, 1941 –“A Date Which Will Live in Infamy” Causes: - Restricted sale of strategic war materials -Lend-lease aid to China -Froze Japanese assets, reduced amount of oil, and sent General MacArthur to build up American defenses in Philippines 2, 403 American casualties 1, 178 injured

13 America mobilizes for WWII American workers 2x as productive as German workers –5x Japanese Cost-plus contracts for production of war materials Car companies switch to making tanks ------- 

14 Rosie the Riveter -2.5 million women entered workforce

15 Selective Service and Training Act-1 st peacetime draft in American history after France surrenders to Germany “Double V” –G.I.’s 8 weeks basic training

16 War Production –Liberty ship- welded instead of riveted –War Production Board set production goals –Office of War Mobilization settle arguments between the different agencies.

17 Daily Life in Wartime America To raise $$$ the government raised taxes to cover about 45% of the cost of the war

18 Fall of the Philippines, 1942 General Douglas MacArthur –Bataan Death March 78,000 The Doolittle Raid

19 Battle of Britain newsreels fVLCnsBs


21 Japanese Internment On February 19, 1942, FDR signed an order allowing the War Department to declare any part of the United States a military zone and remove anybody from the zone. The West Coast was declared a military zone, and all people of Japanese ancestry were evacuated to 10 internment camps.

22 Korematsu v U.S. 1944 Korematsu remained in San Leandro, California and violated Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34 of the U.S. Army. Decision: 6 votes for United States, 3 vote(s) against The Court sided with the government and held that the need to protect against espionage outweighed Korematsu's rights.



25 The Civil Rights Act of 1988 (HR442) awarded redress to all surviving internees or their relatives. President George Bush sent this formal apology letter along with a $20,000 check.








33 Why were west coast Japanese American citizens relocated - while Japanese Americans in Hawaii and German- Americans and Italian-Americans were not?

34 How were Japanese internment camps similar and different to Hitler’s concentration camps in Europe? Explain. Close

35 “This is the enemy” umMGE umMGE

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