Introduction: The Holy Spirit is not a Ghost E.g. He is Deity, Active, Involved, Real and Relevant. Jn.14 & 16.

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1 Introduction: The Holy Spirit is not a Ghost E.g. He is Deity, Active, Involved, Real and Relevant. Jn.14 & 16

2  Holy Spirit assigns each believer with gift(s) when born into God’s family. 1Cor.12:7 & Eph.4:7-8.  Paul was given gifts at conversion. Acts 9:15: 26:16-18.  The sinful lives of the Corinthians did stop God from giving them gifts. 1Cor.6:9-11.  Gifts are to be used for the Church. Eph.4:12.

3  Parable of the Talents reminds what happens when we do not use our gifts. Matt. 25:14-30 & Luke 19:11-27.  Age, Youth and Gender is no barrier to exercising our gifts. 1Pet.4:10; 1Tim.4:12-14

4  The conflict between God and the forces of evil requires. 2Cor.11:14-15.  E.g. For Christ, there is anti-christ.  For True Prophets, there are false prophets For Holy Spirit, there are unclean spirits For wheat, there are tares.

5  A special ability to distinguish between the Spirit of Truth and Spirit of Error.  Some have particular ability to unmask satan’s trickery, detect false teaching etc.  Examples in Scripture:  Peter affirming the deity of Christ. Matt. 16:17,23

6  Peter discerning Ananias & Saphira’s deception. Acts.5:1-12.  Simon of Samaria’s incident. Acts. 8:20-23.  Elyma’s going blind. Acts.13:10-12.  Teaching, Imposter-evangelist; Prophecy; Affirmation of Christ’s deity and being human.  Imposter-Evangelist example in Ghana.

7  The Test of Conviction: Insight given by the Holy Spirit as opposed to “sixth sense” 1Cor. 14:33; John 11:33; 13:21  The Test of Community: Evidenced in worship; prophetic words being tested by God’s people and not just the leader. 1Cor.14:29.  The Test of Consistency: A situation is consistent in 3 ways: (a) The Spirit of Christ, (b) The Scriptures (c) The way God has clearly worked in the past.

8  Does a situation glorifies God; Exults in the commands of the Lord and draws us closer to Jesus? John 16:14-15.  The Test of Character: 1Cor.13 Is any prophecy given in love? Atmosphere will always be one of love rather than of judgementalism and criticism.  The Test of Consequence: Matt. 7:20  True prophecy edifies, consoles and exhorts. It also requires patience as fruit takes time to manifest. Therefore we must be realistic about things.

9  The Church is God’s Family of friends.  Words relating to the Family:- Brothers and Sisters appear 148 times in the books of Acts and Revelations.  God heals his family through his Family.  Our gifts are to Love each other, honour one another, protect each other and to bear each other’s burdens.

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