Looking to the Future Informatics postgraduates Carol Macdonald Careers Adviser.

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Presentation on theme: "Looking to the Future Informatics postgraduates Carol Macdonald Careers Adviser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Looking to the Future Informatics postgraduates Carol Macdonald Careers Adviser

2 Session Aim:  Introduce the Careers Service  Outline recruitment time-lines for major employers  Highlight careers events / programmes this semester

3 “Begin with the end in mind” Steven Covey, management guru & author of ‘Seven Habits of highly effective people’

4 Your Career Strategy!  Set goals - short, medium…& longer term  What do you want to achieve during your MSc?  How can you make the most of your time at Edinburgh?  What do you want to achieve immediately after?...and longer term?  Identify what will help you to achieve your goals  Find out what’s going on at Edinburgh  Research career options and potential employers  Clarify requirements – skills, experience required or beneficial  Identify any gaps  Check entry routes – recruitment methods used  Network! Network! Network!  Market yourself – (Applications, Interviews & other situations)  Prepare a ‘Career Action Plan’ - set SMART objectives - keep it alive!

5 Recruitment Timelines  Advertising already underway www.ed.ac.uk/careers/sage www.prospects.ac.uk www.ed.ac.uk/careers/sage www.prospects.ac.uk www.get.hobsons.co.uk www.targetjobs.co.uk  Employer’s presentations start 4 th October  Application deadlines from October  First interviews begin this semester

6 Some application closing dates for 2011  Standard Bank 7 November  Bank of England 15 November  Virgin Media 26 November  Sky Technology 30 November  Credit Suisse 17 December  Standard Life (IT leadership) 10 December  Sainsbury’s 12 December  Catlin Group 14 December  SELEX Galileo applns from Sept (1 st come 1 st served)  RBS assessment centres from Nov General Guidelines  Investment banks  Blue chip/ International Orgs  Management consultancies November

7 Finding out more!  Careers Fair - 5/6 October www.ed.ac.uk/careers/fairs www.ed.ac.uk/careers/fairs  Employer presentations www.ed.ac.uk/careers/talks-events www.ed.ac.uk/careers/talks-events  Vacancies - www.ed.ac.uk/careers/sage www.ed.ac.uk/careers/sage  Directories – Prospects, Get, Times Top 100  UK graduate careers sites include:  www.prospects.ac.uk www.prospects.ac.uk  www.get.hobsons.co.uk www.get.hobsons.co.uk  www.targetjobs.co.uk www.targetjobs.co.uk  Informatics website - www.ed.ac.uk/informatics www.ed.ac.uk/informatics  Industry info & vacancy sites – www.ed.ac.uk/careers/occupations www.ed.ac.uk/careers/occupations  Computer Weekly  www.insidecareers.co.uk (IT Industry Guide & job alerts) www.insidecareers.co.uk  www.scotlandis.com www.scotlandis.com  Recruitment Agencies - www.rec.uk.com & local surveys www.rec.uk.com Be pro-active – be creative, network!

8 What are employers looking for?  Good academic background  Technical skills and more……….

9 Competency Framework IBM  Adaptability  Client focus  Communication  Creative problem solving  Drive to achieve  Passion for business  Taking ownership  Teamwork and collaboration  Trustworthiness

10 What makes a good CV? Careful targeting (job and employer) Highlights relevant experience, skills and achievements Gives space and importance to the most relevant material Makes an impact Visually appealing clear layout, avoiding lengthy text Appropriate headings & order - reverse chronological or themed Appropriate length Accompanied by a strong covering letter

11 Careers Service – What we offer!  Information Centres - staff available to help  Drop-in sessions daily  Appointments with Careers Adviser  Events  Website: www.ed.ac.uk/careerswww.ed.ac.uk/careers  Graduate Applications Tues 28 th Sept 1.10pm  Successful Interviews Thurs 14 th Oct 1.10pm  School Drop-in sessions: Thurs 28 th Oct & Tues 9 th Nov 1pm - 2pm



14 International students  Do you need a UK national insurance number? Job Centre Plus staff will be in Careers Service, 33 Buccleuch Place, on Tues 22nd/Wed 23rd September to process NI numbers for non UK students.

15 Careers Service - Where to find us? 33 Buccleuch Place, Central Area Tel: 0131 650 4670 Weir Building, KB Tel: 0131 650 5773 Email: careers@ed.ac.ukcareers@ed.ac.uk Opening hours on website www.ed.ac.uk/careers

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