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Jeopardy Test Review Game

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1 Jeopardy Test Review Game
Living Things Jeopardy Test Review Game

2 100 200 300 400 500 Needs of Living Things Char. of Living Things
Prefixes Misc. 100 200 300 400 500

3 List the 4 needs of living things.

4 Food, water, living space, stable internal conditions

5 What type of organism can produce its own food?

6 autotroph

7 What type of organism gets energy from a source other than itself?

8 heterotroph

9 What word refers to an organism’s ability to maintain a stable internal environment no matter what happens externally?

10 homeostasis

11 What does the word “homeostasis” literally mean?

12 Process or condition of staying the same

13 List 4 out of 6 characteristics of living things.

14 1. have cells 2. use energy 3. ability to reproduce 4
1. have cells 2. use energy 3. ability to reproduce 4. contain similar chemicals 5. grow and develop 6. sense and respond to change

15 What word refers to an organism’s process of becoming more complex?

16 development

17 What is the process of becoming larger?

18 growth

19 How do multicellular organisms usually reproduce?

20 sexually

21 What is the sum total of all activities that occur within a cell?

22 metabolism

23 hetero--

24 different

25 macro--

26 large

27 syn--

28 together

29 osteo--

30 bone

31 proto--

32 first

33 List the 4 stages of metabolism.

34 ingestion, digestion, respiration, and excretion

35 What chemical gives a cell energy?

36 carbohydrates

37 What type of organism is a plant?

38 multicellular, autotroph

39 What type of organism is an animal?

40 multicellular, heterotroph

41 herb--

42 pertaining to plants

43 photo--

44 light

45 What is a change in an organisms environment that causes a reaction?

46 stimulus

47 What chemical is most abundant in living things?

48 water

49 What is spontaneous generation?

50 the idea that living things come from nonliving things

51 What two scientists helped to disprove the idea of spontaneous generation?

52 Redi and Pasteur

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