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Welcome to the Literary Magazine meeting! We are glad that youre here.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Literary Magazine meeting! We are glad that youre here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Literary Magazine meeting! We are glad that youre here.

2 Literary Magazine adds color to your life, helps you make interesting friends, provides leadership opportunities, gives you publication experience, gives you a vote on submissions, helps you learn about graphic design, gives you PhotoShop & InDesign skills.

3 Adds color to your life! Youll notice things about magazines that you never did before. Youll take better photos. Youll have the chance to go to off campus meetings to learn new skills.

4 Helps you make interesting friends! We meet in the love room214! We host Write Nightthe ultimate PHS coffee lounge extravaganza of music, writing, and food! We have fun!

5 Meeting Times Regular extended staff meetings are Thurs. mornings at 7:15. Literary magazine is a class that meets every day too. Take the class or come to meetings to be on staff.

6 Why our literary magazine class needs you! Our class consists of 27 people. We want the magazine to represent Pelham High School. A larger staff gives us a broader view of Pelham High Schools artistic aesthetic.

7 Continued… We need your input and ideas to help us decide what will go into this years literary magazine!

8 . We want to make this years literary magazine a great one! Please come to the meetings and be a part of our staff!

9 - To celebrate the artistry and creative diversity of Pelham High Schools students and provide a venue for the publication and distribution of their work.

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