Company Logo Clap Robot Done by: Salsabeel Ahmad Taha Maram Fathi Balatia Supervisor: Aladdin Masri.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Logo Clap Robot Done by: Salsabeel Ahmad Taha Maram Fathi Balatia Supervisor: Aladdin Masri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Logo Clap Robot Done by: Salsabeel Ahmad Taha Maram Fathi Balatia Supervisor: Aladdin Masri

2 Company Logo Outline  Background  Applications used  Uses  Main Goals  Hardware component  Chassis of the robot  Logical Structure  Hardware &software  Problems we’ve faced  Future work

3 Company Logo Background Clap-Robot receives a clap sound and moves toward the source of clapping. It has the ability to change its position after multiple claps and readjusts its path toward the source of sound

4 Company Logo Applications used MPLab. XC8 Compiler. PIC Programmer

5 Company Logo Uses

6 Company Logo Main Goals Attractive: Robot follow you when you clap. Simplicity: Easy to use, just clap then it will follow you.

7 Company Logo Hardware component  Pic18LF4620  Microphone sensor(bug rang)

8 Company Logo Hardware component  Dc motor  Wheel

9 Company Logo Chassis of the robot We have two option : Buy a robot kit which it didn’t contain all the elements needed to build the desired robot. Buy a robot kit which it didn’t contain all the elements needed to build the desired robot.

10 Company Logo Our Design

11 Company Logo Our Design

12 Company Logo Logical Structure s0 Use to detect right direction. s1 Use to detect left direction s2 Use to detect forward or backwards

13 Company Logo Angle Calculation Algorithm  Determining the ‘Time of Arrival’ of sound waves naturally enabled us to compute the angle between the microphones and the sound source.  In fact, the angle can be calculated using simple trigonometry as shown in this equation. Calculate angle Ѳ = arcsine(ΔT * V/d)

14 Company Logo Angle Calculation Algorithm

15 Company Logo Hardware The hardware consists of two main circuits: Use to amplify sound and remove noise then each sensor make an interrupt at positive edge. Sensor circuitry After interrupt pic make calculation to move the motor in correct direction using special algorithm. DC driver circuitry

16 Company Logo Sensor circuitry

17 Company Logo Software INT0, INT1, INT2 The position of the sound source is determined by checking which sensor triggered the first interrupt Timer 0 Use to calculate the difference in time of arrival accurately

18 Company Logo DC Control and Motion Algorithm Four variable were used to decide for the value of Motor State. directionAngle (degrees) forward0 Left forward45 left90 Left backward125 backward180 Right backward225 Right270 Right forward315

19 Company Logo Testing Strategy: Sensor testing Motor testing Timers Testing Amplify sound by 20, and we make sure sensor not sensitive to human sound We make sure motor rotate in all direction We operate timer0 module separately to ensure that is correct and produce output

20 Company Logo Sensor Circuit

21 Company Logo Robot Response

22 Company Logo Robot Response With angle

23 Company Logo Problems we’ve faced Software problems Identify the direction of sound

24 Company Logo Future Work Add more sensor we can add infrared sensor to detect barriers along the robot route Microphones in a 3D configuration the robot’s detection of the clap source position could have been even more accurate

25 Company Logo Conclusion Clap Robot met the expectations knowing that he follows the clapping sound, and the sensors are capable of detecting a source that is farther than 3 meters away because they are powerful enough.



28 Company Logo References   93/L293.html 93/L293.html  project/dp/B0081C5B80 project/dp/B0081C5B80  m2462_ts599/am2462_ts599/am2462_ts599/final_report_ece4760.html m2462_ts599/am2462_ts599/am2462_ts599/final_report_ece4760.html  content/uploads/2010/01/Paper_Presentation-Contest.pdf content/uploads/2010/01/Paper_Presentation-Contest.pdf  content/uploads/2010/01/Paper_Presentation-Contest.pdf content/uploads/2010/01/Paper_Presentation-Contest.pdf  security-camera-dvr-high-fidelity-p583.html security-camera-dvr-high-fidelity-p583.html

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