Abbreviations. Types of People Mr. Larder used for a man.

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Presentation on theme: "Abbreviations. Types of People Mr. Larder used for a man."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abbreviations

2 Types of People

3 Mr. Larder used for a man

4 Ms. Babbitt used for a woman

5 Dr. Green used for a doctor or anyone with an doctorate degree

6 Mrs. Perez used for a married woman

7 Days of the Week

8 Sun. for Sunday

9 Mon. for Monday

10 Tues. for Tuesday

11 Wed. for Wednesday

12 Thurs. for Thursday

13 Fri. for Friday

14 Sat. for Saturday

15 Months of the Year

16 Jan. for January

17 Feb. for February

18 Mar. for March

19 Apr. for April

20 There is no abbreviation for May.

21 There is no abbreviation for June.

22 There is no abbreviation for July.

23 Aug. for August

24 Sept. for September

25 Oct. for October

26 Nov. for November

27 Dec. for December

28 Addresses and Places

29 Hoyt Rd. for Hoyt Road

30 Fremont St. for Fremont Street

31 Stonegate Dr. for Stonegate Drive

32 Tenth Ave. for Tenth Avenue

33 Bluebird Cr. for Bluebird Cr.

34 U. S. for United States

35 Now lets practice!

36 Beany lives next door to Doctor Lao.

37 Beany lives next door to Dr. Lao.

38 Do you know Mister Ramirez?

39 Do you know Mr. Ramirez?

40 His birthday is March 18.

41 His birthday is Mar. 18.

42 We visited him last Sunday.

43 We visited him last Sun.

44 He lives on Mulberry Street.

45 He lives on Mulberry St.

46 My pen pal wants to visit the United States.

47 My pen pal wants to visit the U. S.

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