Elk & Nature Tourism in North Central Pennsylvania.

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Presentation on theme: "Elk & Nature Tourism in North Central Pennsylvania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elk & Nature Tourism in North Central Pennsylvania

2 Pennsylvania WILDS Planning for Outdoor Recreation and the Governor’s Tourism Initiative

3 DCED concurrently working on Governor’s tourism initiative PA Wilds includes 13 county region in North Central PA (6.5 million acres) 5.2 million forested acres 2.1 million acres public lands –27 State Parks (27,600 acres) –8 State Forests (1.3 million acres) –1 National Forest (513,000 acres – Allegheny Nat’l) –50 State Game Lands (300,000 acres) Introduction of “PA Wilds” Region

4 Recreational Assets –134 miles rail trails –>1500 miles snow mobile trails –1100 miles hiking trails –219 miles cross country ski trails –> 100 miles equestrian trails –> 2000 miles non-designated trails Wild & Natural Areas –86,467 acres wilderness (1 federal, 7 state) –48,492 acres natural area (24 designated areas) 1 federal, 23 state –scenic, historic, geologic, ecological Introduction of “PA Wilds” Region

5 Water Resources –213 stocked trout streams –2067 wild trout streams –16 lakes w/20,278 acres surface water –99 boat launches –3 PA Water Trails West Branch Susquehanna River Water Trail Clarion River Trail Middle Allegheny River Water Trail Introduction of “PA Wilds” Region



8 Hershey-Dutch Country led the State, with 30% of the leisure trips within the region taken primarily for outdoor recreation. The Pocono Mountains with 22% also had a higher than average proportion of outdoor recreation vacations. On the other hand, most rural areas had low rates of travel specifically taken for outdoor recreation including the Valleys of the Susquehanna (7%), Lake Erie (11%), and the Allegheny National Forest Region (16%). PA Outdoor Tourism Highlights

9 Elk Scenic Drive - Project Beginnings Project began as a FHWA funded Transportation Enhancement Originally Sponsored by PA Lumber Heritage Region FERMATA –tourism consultant w/DCNR

10 Elk Scenic Drive - Project Beginnings First project meetings w/District personnel January 2004 Project tied to Governor’s North Central PA Tourism Initiative – fast track –Signs to be in place by July 2004 –Project involved use of State Parks and Game Land properties – possible 4f issues Funding switched to 100% State funds due to time constraints DCNR takes over as project “sponsor”

11 Capitalize on ELK Increase awareness of nature opportunities in North Central Region Elk range includes 835 acres in five counties –Elk, Centre, Clearfield, Cameron, Clinton Elk Watching & Nature Tourism Plan –Elk Scenic Drive Became 1 st phase to kick- off overall “PA Wilds” initiative 127 miles w/23 sites designated for wildlife/scenic viewing

12 Original 2-Loop Concept

13 Final Route and Viewing Sites

14 Educate and Increase Public Awareness



17 Scenic/Wildlife Viewing along the Elk Scenic Drive Moshannon State Forest Sinnemahoning State Park Kettle Creek State Park Beaver Dam Overlook

18 Cranberry Swamp Natural Area Scenic/Wildlife Viewing along the Elk Scenic Drive MSF Spaghnum Bog Winslow Hill Marion Brooks Natural Area

19 Guide for Elk Scenic Drive

20 Further Project Development Gateway Visitors Center along I-80, including lodging Wildlife/visitors center at Sinnemahoning State Park Further Develop the Elk Viewing Center at Benezette Clean up acid mine drainage in West Branch Susquehanna River to improve water sport activities Encourage development of business infrastructure to accommodate tourism in the region Encourage development and sale of locally made commodities w/emphasis on PA hardwoods Develop a regional marketing partnership for 13 county area

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