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Training/Knowledge Applications 1. Instruction 3. Learning Tools 2. Information Dissemination/Retrieval 4. Learning “Packages”

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Presentation on theme: "Training/Knowledge Applications 1. Instruction 3. Learning Tools 2. Information Dissemination/Retrieval 4. Learning “Packages”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Training/Knowledge Applications 1. Instruction 3. Learning Tools 2. Information Dissemination/Retrieval 4. Learning “Packages”

2 Instruction Directed Learning Tutorials Drill & Practice Problem Solving “Intelligent” Tutors Diagnoses level of expertise Generates content accordingly Confirms understanding

3 Instruction (cont.) Guided Discovery Simulations / Vicarious Experience Emphasis on creating environment for learning Tutorial support often embedded as feedback contingent on learner’s actions Cooperative Learning Use of bulletin boards, chat rooms, etc.

4 Instruction (cont.) Intelligent Guidance / “Apprentices” Construction Tools for Learning Children learn by writing programs, “teaching” the computer Classic example: Logo

5 Information Dissemination & Retrieval Encyclopedias and dictionaries Archives Search engines Other resources -- indexes, lists, etc. Record-keeping Job Aids

6 Learning Tools Word processing, spreadsheets, etc. Presentation support Collaborative -- bulletin boards, chat rooms, etc. Assessment & decision-making Job aids

7 Learning “Packages” Performance Support Often referred to as Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS), these systems provide integrated, on-demand access to information, advice, learning, experiences, and tools. They are designed to generate learning “ at the moment of need.”

8 Learning “Packages” (cont.) Performance support systems can include tools, information, tutoring/advice, and direct learning. In other words, they can incorporate: Instruction Information dissemination & retrieval Learning Tools Performance Support (cont.)

9 CMI provides all in one package: Training Evaluation Administration Learning “Packages” (cont.) Computer-Managed Instruction (CMI)

10 Learning “Packages” (cont.) Integrated Learning Systems These systems are designed to provide a cycle of instruction, assessment, and prescription for a particular subject matter. They combine computer-assisted instruction and computer management features into a single networked computer delivery system. Hardware consists of a LAN of computers linked to a large file server with all the software.

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