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What do you know about Christmas? Christmas Quiz.

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2 What do you know about Christmas? Christmas Quiz

3 Question 1

4 When is Christmas? A October 31th B July 4th C December 25th D October 25th

5 When is Christmas ? A October 31th B July 4th C December 25th D October 25th

6 10 points

7 Question 2

8 How did Christmas start? A Celebrating Jesus’ birth B Celebrating Mary’ birth C Celebrating Santa Claus’ birth D Helping the poor

9 How did Christmas start? A Celebrating Jesus’ birth B Celebrating Mary’ birth C Celebrating Santa Claus’ birth D Helping the poor

10 20 points

11 Question 3

12 What is this ? A a snowflake B a candy cane C a snowman D a policeman

13 What is this ? A a snow flake B a candy cane C a snowman D a policeman

14 30 points

15 Question 4

16 A the U.K. B the U.S.A. C Finland D Germany What country did Christmas Trees originated from?

17 What country did Christmas Trees originated from? A the U.K. B the U.S.A. C Finland D Germany

18 40 points

19 Question 5

20 What is it? A an apple tree B a Christmas tree C an orange tree D a maple tree

21 What is it? A an apple tree B a Christmas tree C an orange tree D a maple tree

22 50 points

23 Question 6

24 What is Santa Claus’ really name? A St. Clark B Sending Candy man C St. Nicholas D Birdie Lai

25 A St. Clark B Sending Candy man C St. Nicholas D Birdie Lai What is Santa Claus’ really name?

26 60 points

27 Question 7

28 Where does Santa put the gifts in? A bags B boots C shoes D stockings

29 A bags B boots C shoes D stockings Where does Santa put the gifts in?

30 80 points

31 Question 8

32 What does Santa ride on to deliver gifts? A a reindeer B a horse C a sled D a spaceship

33 What does Santa ride on to send gifts? A a reindeer B a horse C a sled D a spaceship

34 100 points

35 Well done!

36 Christmas E-card ICQ e-cards Birdie’s blog

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