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Project 1 Rubric What are the expectations for your report?

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Presentation on theme: "Project 1 Rubric What are the expectations for your report?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project 1 Rubric What are the expectations for your report?

2 Possible Dimensions Using technology in finding facts – Used search engines or library resources – Where did you get information? Developing the research plan – Too few facts vs. too many Putting things together Using technology in documenting the research – Creating a well organized final report

3 Using Technology in Finding Facts PoorAverageGoodExcellent Number of Sources Didn’t use any documented source Used one documented source Used a few documented sources Combined information from several sources

4 Quality of Fact Finding PoorAverageGoodExcellent Research Integrity Sources are not relevant or may contain mythical or popular misconceptions Sources are relevant but not based on academic or scholarly evidence Sources known in the scientific community, references are based on both empirical facts and popular opinion Sources are well known in scholarly community; References are based on empirical evidence and scientific method

5 Developing the Research Plan PoorAverageGoodExcellent Information Analysis Just copied the found facts Limited analysis of the facts; presented limited discussions on the facts; no conclusions Analyzed the facts; presented a well developed reasoning about the information obtained; limited conclusions Performed a comprehensive analysis of the facts; presented a fully developed body of analysis including comparisons, rationale, discussions, etc.; Comprehensive conclusions

6 Use of Technology in Documentation PoorAverageGoodExcellent TitleMissingPresent but not informative Present and informative A great representation of the work AbstractMissingPresent but not informative Present and informative A great representation of the work Document Body Missing or not enough Show little evidence of scholarly work Shows enough evidence of scholarly work Fully developed evidence of scholarly work

7 Documentation PoorAverageGoodExcellent OrganizationNot Organized Organized into sections, subsections, but parts may be irrelevant, lacking several organizational elements Organized into clear sections, subsections, but lacking one or more elements. Clear organization with the use of several sections, subsection, lists, footnotes, etc. ReferencesMissingBibliography present, but missing several references. Bibliography is well presented, missing one or more resources. Full bibliography, excellent referencing to others’ works. Use of Visual Presentation No visual elements Inconsistent use of visual elements; Used few visual elements Used some visual elements including, images, tables, graphs, etc. Used several visual elements including images, tables, graphs, etc.

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