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Somerset Water Park. Somerset Center for Rural Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Somerset Water Park. Somerset Center for Rural Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Somerset Water Park

2 Somerset Center for Rural Development

3 Somerset Shopping

4 Somerset Food

5 Somerset Recreation

6 Daily Assignment Do You Feel Left Out? Daily Assignment Sometimes its hard to watch one place seem to have everything while you have nothing. How does it make you feel when you look at your community and it seems to have nothing for you? What would you do to fix the problem?…leave…stay? 1 Paragraph

7 Monopoly Monopoly-To control ALL trade. To be able to determine the total cost of a product because you have cornered the market. Their MUST be but 1 seller. There cannot be a similar product. There can be no competition!

8 Italy’s Wealth and their Monopoly Crusades Break the MonopolyAfter the Crusades, Italy became super wealthy just by achieving a trade agreement with the Middle East. This left other countries out and allowed Italy to expand their worlds of art and architecture. Huge palaces sprung up showing off the wealth of Italy. Again, others felt left out…especially Portugal and Spain. They decided to do something about it! Break the Monopoly of Italy by sailing around the tip of Africa to India. There, they could get trade goods themselves!

9 European Exploration and Settlement Half the world away from where Native Americans made their homes, Europeans had no knowledge of these people or the land where they lived. When Europeans looked west, they saw only a vast ocean. Europeans were far more interested in the lands to the east. After Marco Polo traveled through Asia and wrote his book called “Descriptions of the World”, the world of Europe began to look outside its own world and into the trade value of far away lands. Some explorers would seek a route to China by going around the southern tip of Africa. But a few brave souls looked across the ocean for riches beyond their imaginations. This trip took courage, because none knew how far it was across the ocean to Asia or what monsters and terrors might await them far from Europe's shore. This desire for trade led to competition between European nations to explore and profit from the land they called the New World!

10 1. When do you think ships like this sailed the ocean? 2. Judging from this illustration, what do you think the sailors feared? 3. What other fears do you think the sailors had?

11 Spain Starts an Empire Marco Polo’s book continued to be read over the next two centuries. This was a time of great change in Europe following the Crusades. The rediscovering of ancient Greek and Roman art inspired a new interest in art and learning. This period of new thinking has became known as the Renaissance, a word which means, rebirth. During this time, the invention of the printing press made books, including Marco Polo’s more available. As Europeans learned about the world beyond Europe, they became eager to explore far off lands!

12 Christopher Columbus One of the people inspired by Polo’s writings was an Italian seaman named Christopher Columbus. After studying maps of the world. Columbus became convinced the shortest route to the Indies lay to the west, across the Atlantic Ocean. Columbus looked for a sponsor for his idea. Eventually, he was able to convince King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to sponsor his voyage. In August 1492, Columbus sailed west with three small ships. After more than a month at sea, his sailors cried out “Tierra, Tierra…or Land! The land turned out to be a small island in the Caribbean Islands!

13 Life on the Atlantic

14 Christopher Columbus On October 12, 1492, Columbus stepped on land and claimed for Spain an island he named San Salvador. The people he encountered there were peaceful, their only weapons were small wood spears. Convinced that China lay nearby, Columbus sailed back for Spain for more ships and men. Columbus made four trips to the Caribbean, finding more islands, as well as the continent of South America. Each time he discovered a new place, he claimed it for Spain. Columbus died believing he had found Asia, but later explorers quickly found out he had actually stumbled on a new land…the New World! The continents of North and South America.

15 The Columbian Exchange The voyages of Columbus triggered a great transfer of people, plants, animals, and diseases back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean. This transfer, which continues today, is called the Columbian Exchange ! The Columbian Exchange brought valuable new crops, such as corn and potatoes to Europe! These foods greatly improved the diets of many Europeans. Many Europeans also found new opportunities by crossing the Atlantic to settle in the Americas. For Native Americans, the exchange went badly. Germs from smallpox and other diseases spread quickly to Natives. Over 90% of native Americans were wiped out as a result of the exchange.

16 Columbian Exchange Great Convergence

17 Small Pox

18 Diptheria

19 The Columbian Exchange

20 Columbian Exchange

21 Protestant Reformation Saint Martin The Reformation began on October 31, 1517, when German monk Saint Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. This was one of the greatest events of the past 1,000 years. Saint Martin made a translation of the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into German. Soon all the countries of Europe followed his example by translating the Scriptures into their languages. For the first time in history, the recently invented printing press made the Word of God available to all the people.Saint Martin Luther

22 Gutenberg Press

23 Slavery Comes to America The high death rate contributed to the introduction of African slaves to the Americas. Some of the Spanish settlers in the Caribbean had started gold mines. Others raised sugar, a crop of great value in Europe. At first the settlers forced Indians to work for them. But the Native Americans began to die in great numbers. The settlers looked for a new world work force to replace the Natives. Before long, Africans were replacing Indians. Slavery had existed around the world since ancient times. Often people who lost wars were enslaved, or treated as property by their conquerors. In the 1500s, European slave traders began shipping slaves to the Caribbean for sale. Over the next three hundred years, millions of Africans would be carried across the Atlantic Ocean in crowded, disease infested ships. The terrible voyage lasted anywhere from weeks to months. Many died before it was over. It was called the… Middle Passage



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