1© Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd. 7.1 Periodic motion and isochronous oscillation.

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2 1© Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd. 7.1 Periodic motion and isochronous oscillation

3 2 © Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd. Periodic motion and isochronous oscillation 7.1 Periodic motion and isochronous oscillation (SB p. 250) Motion in 2 categories: 1. periodic motion – object repeats its path at equal time intervals 2. non-periodic motion Periodic motion - revolution of earth around sun - regular to-and-fro motion (oscillation) e.g. pendulum, vibrating guitar string, vibrating tuning fork, simple pendulums

4 3 © Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd. Periodic motion and isochronous oscillation 7.1 Periodic motion and isochronous oscillation (SB p. 251) Isochronous oscillation - oscillation at which period is independent of amplitude of oscillation If the displacement of an object in an oscillation can be described by harmonic functions (such as sine or cosine), it is called harmonic motion. If there is no friction, then no energy will be lost and the oscillation will continue indefinitely. This kind of motion is known as simple harmonic motion (SHM or s.h.m.).

5 4 © Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd. End

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