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1 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS high beta profile data for the ISHPDB Arthur Weller essential contributions from : A. Dinklage, J. Geiger, J. Knauer, A. Kus,

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Presentation on theme: "1 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS high beta profile data for the ISHPDB Arthur Weller essential contributions from : A. Dinklage, J. Geiger, J. Knauer, A. Kus,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS high beta profile data for the ISHPDB Arthur Weller essential contributions from : A. Dinklage, J. Geiger, J. Knauer, A. Kus, E. Pasch, R. Preuss, N. Rust, A. Werner Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, IPP-Euratom Assoc., D-17491 Greifswald & D-85748 Garching, Germany 5th Coordinated Working Group Meeting for Stellarator/Heliotron Studies Institut für Plasmaforschung, Universität Stuttgart, July 6-8 2009

2 2 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 Some result of previous CWGMs...... many thanks to collaborators

3 3 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS Shot #54023 - Global Plasma Characteristics - Mirnov

4 4 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS Shot #54022 - Global Plasma Characteristics - Bolometer Mirnov

5 5 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shots #54023 & #54022 - Configuration and Plasma Parameters - Shot 54022@0.35 s R axis :2.02 m a eff :0.154 m B 0 :-0.846 T iota a,vac :0.52 iota(2/3a):0.40 B z :-0.02 T I cc :-3.0 kA („Limiter“) W dia :12.5 kJ :2.2∙10 20 m -3 T e0 :262 eV :3.1 % P NI,eff :2.62 MW fast / :0.10 H ISS04 :1.09 Shot 54023@0.35 s R axis :2.03 m a eff :0.154 m B 0 :-1.185 T iota a,vac :0.52 iota(2/3a):0.44 B z :-0.02 T I cc :-2.5 kA („Limiter“) W dia :21.3 kJ :2.5∙10 20 m -3 T e0 :370 eV :2.7 % P NI,eff :2.72 MW fast / :0.07 H ISS04 :1.10

6 6 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shot #54023@0.35 s - n e, T e – Profiles (Ruby Thomson, Raw Data) - ● ruby Thomson system set up for inboard edge plasma observation ● limited core-profile data

7 7 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shot #54023@0.35 s - mapped n e, T e – Profiles (Ruby Thomson) from standard analysis - ● pressure Profile used to check mapping (VMEC) ● but: dedicated VMEC runs required for high-  data mapping

8 8 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shot #54022@0.35 s - n e, T e – Profiles (Ruby Thomson, Raw Data) - ● ruby Thomson system set up for inboard edge plasma observation ● limited core-profile data

9 9 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shot #54022@0.35 s - mapped n e, T e – Profiles (Ruby Thomson) from standard analysis - ● pressure Profile used to check mapping (VMEC) ● but: dedicated VMEC runs required for high-  data mapping

10 10 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shot #54022@0.35 s - some more parameters from standard Thomson Fits - plateau PS lmfp

11 11 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shot #51755 (=54022) - MHD Properties - X-Ray, VMEC CAS3D

12 12 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shots #54023 & #54022 - NBI Heating Power Profiles from W7-Code - P NI,eff = 2.72 MWP NI,eff = 2.62 MW Port-thru3.40 MW Ionized3.25 MW95.73 % Shine-thru0.145 MW 4.27 % Orbit Losses0.533 MW15.67 % Eff. Heat. P.2.72 MW 80.06 % Port-thru3.40 MW Ionized3.17 MW93.33 % Shine-thru0.226 MW 6.66 % Orbit Losses0.551 MW16.20 % Eff. Heat. P.2.62 MW 77.14 %

13 13 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shots #54023 & #54022 - Available Heating Efficiency Calculations -

14 14 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS High-  Shot #54022@0.35 s - Status of n e, T e – Profile Validation Analysis - ● dedicated VMEC runs for mapping available for #54022 ● profile fitting ?

15 15 A. Weller CWGM5 2009 W7-AS high beta profile data for the ISHPDB - Present Status -

16 16 A. Weller CWGM5 2009SummarySummary ● Two high-  shots being prepared for ISHPDB ● W7-AS Shot #54022 mapped by dedicated VMEC equilibrium, validation stage 3 finished ● W7-AS Shot #54023 still requires advanced mapping and fitting ● Profile fits to be made available (data tables)? Or tool to be provided for fitting mapped profile data individually? ● NBI heating power profiles available ● Data and infos available on ISHPDB public webpage but not yet complete !

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