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Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones SESSION 7: SOME PEDAGOGIES MAKING GROUP WORK WORK STUDENT MOTIVATION Peter Sullivan Sue Gunningham.

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Presentation on theme: "Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones SESSION 7: SOME PEDAGOGIES MAKING GROUP WORK WORK STUDENT MOTIVATION Peter Sullivan Sue Gunningham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones SESSION 7: SOME PEDAGOGIES MAKING GROUP WORK WORK STUDENT MOTIVATION Peter Sullivan Sue Gunningham

2 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Overview Looking back Some pedagogies Group work Motivation

3 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones The program overall consists of 1.Program overview and mathematics teaching principles. 2.Using data as the basis of planning and teaching, including the data from AIM. 3.Enhancing the student experience – building understanding 4.Templates for mathematics teaching – building understanding 5.Enhancing the student experience – engaging students by increasing choices 6.Templates for mathematics teaching – engaging students by increasing choices 7.Pedagogies – developing classroom culture, ways of fostering group work, and differentiating tasks 8.Sustaining the initiative

4 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones The program overall consists of 1.Program overview and mathematics teaching principles. 2.Using data as the basis of planning and teaching, including the data from AIM. 3.Enhancing the student experience – building understanding 4.Templates for mathematics teaching – building understanding 5.Enhancing the student experience – engaging students by increasing choices 6.Templates for mathematics teaching – engaging students by increasing choices 7.Pedagogies – developing classroom culture, ways of fostering group work, and differentiating tasks 8.Sustaining the initiative Evaluate Explore Explain Elaborate Engage

5 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Review of sessions Session 1 – consider lesson study as a process for teacher learning – examine some principles of effective mathematics teaching Session 2 - using data to inform teaching and learning

6 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Review of session 3 & 4 experience some illustrative activities which contribute to building understanding of mathematics And at the same time enhance the experience of learning mathematics

7 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Review of session 5 & 6 experience some activities which illustrate how making choices is engaging and at the same time enhances the student experience of learning mathematics

8 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Comparison with the seven steps for reading Get knowledge ready Learn the vocab Read aloud Paraphrase the text Say questions the text answers Summarise the text Review the text and what you have learnt

9 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Some guiding principles for all lessons Find out what students know and don’t know Make explicit to students your goals for their learning Have most of the class working beyond their current levels of understanding Communicate to students that you believe they can learn and expect they will Feedback – What am I meant to be doing – How am I going – Where am I going next

10 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Reporting back from classroom explorations

11 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones A critical incident

12 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones The purpose of session 7 is for participants to: consider the issues associated with creating a classroom in which students can try hard and take risks, while feeling safe; and experience a group learning activity involving explicit roles.

13 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Focus 2: Enabling prompts

14 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones What are enabling prompts? Enabling prompts can involve slightly varying an aspect of the task demand, such as – the form of representation, – the size of the numbers, or – the number of steps, so that a student experiencing difficulty can proceed at that new level, and then if successful can proceed with the original task. This approach can be contrasted with the more common requirement that such students – listen to additional explanations; or – pursue goals substantially different from the rest of the class.

15 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones This approach is not new … Association of Teachers of Mathematics produced a handbook (ATM, 1988) described 34 different strategies that teachers might use when intervening while students are working. There were 14 specific suggestions related to interventions to support students experiencing difficulty, about half of which relate to specific prompts for students experiencing difficulty.

16 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Some examples of enabling prompts For the task: What letters can you draw with an area of exactly 10 square units (using only whole squares)?

17 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones One letter can be given as an example Use 10 square tiles to make letters Make any shape of 10 square units Make any shape and count the squares …

18 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Focus 3: Extending prompts For students who finish quickly (actually after allowing half squares – How many different letters can you make – Are there some letters you cannot make – What words can you make using only 10 squares per letter – What if it was 11 squares? – …

19 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Focus 4: LEARNING COMMUNITY a deliberate intention is that all students progress through learning experiences in ways that allow them to feel part of a class community and contribute to it, including being able to participate in reviews and summative class discussions about the work. all students will benefit from participation in at least some core activities that can form the basis of common discussions and shared experience, both social and mathematical, as well as a common basis for any following lessons and assessment items on the same topic.

20 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Task review (building community) A key challenge in the common discussions is the way that teachers manage the contributions of the students. Teacher must observe what students are doing, so that they can choose contributors to the discussion in an appropriate sequence, perhaps from least sophisticated to more sophisticated.

21 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Focus 5: Explicit pedagogies That there can be multiple answers That creativity is allowed That group work is for learning (Students need a language to describe their experience) …

22 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Focus 6: Learning Trajectory

23 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Here are some length tasks Plan a unit of work on length What tasks would you select? What order would you do them?

24 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Find something in the room longer than this string Cut a streamer so that it is longer than your hand but shorter than your foot What are some words you could use to describe parts of a box to show how big it is? What are some words to describe a tree to show how big it is?

25 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Which is longer, the horizontal or the vertical line?

26 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Find something that is about 2 shoes long. Find something that is longer than 2 shoes but shorter than 3. Write your name using matches Write your name on grid paper using only the lines

27 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Michael and Monica measured the basketball court. Michael said it was 20 rulers long. Monica said it was 19 ½ rulers long. How could this happen? Are you a tall rectangle?

28 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones A chameleon has a tongue that is half as long as its body... … how long would your tongue be if you were a chameleon?

29 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones On your page, draw a line that is 1 m long Find something that is longer that 30 cm but less than 40 cm?

30 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Write your name using a line 1 metre long Find something that is twice as long as it is wide Broken ruler How many different rectangles can you make using a string that is 1 m long?

31 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones What order would you do these tasks (if at all)

32 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Making group work work

33 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Why groups? (at least some) Learning is social Real problems are complex and multidimensional Learning to co-operate has two way benefits – Have a friend, be a friend

34 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Some specific advice Avoid using group work for class control – Worst case scenario of teaching Allow students time to have something to contribute – Think, pair, share Explain why you are using groups Teach and practice required social skills

35 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones More advice (for the teacher) Promote – group interdependence – positive feelings to the group Promote individual and group accountability Celebrate thinking and effort Support student-student exchanges with tools and resources – Structuring the physical environment – Student roles

36 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones A group activity with roles

37 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones There are 3 roles, with 1 observer In addition, we want everyone to: – actively listen – use eye contact and names – ask for help (within the group) if you need it

38 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones The group roles coach keeping things going making sure everyone knows

39 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Observers Report to the group on what you saw (this is a learning experience)

40 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones In groups of 3 (with an observer), work on the following question The surface area of a closed box (rectangular prism) is 94 sq cm. What might be the volume? At the end, I will choose individuals, and I will hold the whole group accountable for the way that that individual responds.

41 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Roles Did the roles help?

42 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones MAKING STUDENTS MORE AWARE OF INFLUENCES ON THEIR MOTIVATION 2 suggestions

43 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Thought Your friend says that their principal does not like them

44 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Thought Your friend says that their principal does not like them How does you friend feel? Disappointed Discouraged

45 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Thought Your friend says that their principal does not like them How does you friend feel? Disappointed Discouraged How does your friend behave? Reluctant to do things Talks in staff meetings

46 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Thought Your friend says that their principal does not like them How does you friend feel? Disappointed Discouraged How does your friend behave? Talks in meetings Doesn’t complete forms How does the principal respond? principal thinks your friend is lazy

47 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Thought Your friend says that their principal does not like them How does you friend feel? Disappointed Discouraged How does your friend behave? Talks in workshop Doesn’t do readings How does the principal respond? principal thinks your friend is lazy ?

48 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones What is your advice to your friend? What is your advice to the principal?

49 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Using thought cycles Do a thought cycle together as a class Have the students build a cycle starting from a negative thought Decide whether the cycle continues or not Decide whether the cycles can be broken Repeat for a positive thought They make their own cycles related to their learning

50 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Enhancing student self-regulation

51 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones One potentially negative influence can be negative peer pressure

52 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones A story – this happened tome

53 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Purpose of this intervention The hypothesis is that if a student becomes more aware of his/her individual responses in comparison with the group responses overall, and if they consider possible implication of their responses, this might allow more active decisions on the connections between their current effort, their learning and future opportunities.

54 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones The procedure Survey completed in class Presentation of results as class graphs Clarify interpretation Class discussion with key elements recorded Transcription of tapes Selection of extracts

55 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones In my maths class, there are some student who don’t try hard because they are afraid of what other students might think of them

56 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones One of the groups connected effort and ability: “Because if you try hard in maths, people think you’re a nerd and then you get teased. Because if you’re smart usually no one likes you, as in they don’t not like you but they just call you names because you’re smart, and when you’re not smart they just…”

57 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Does deliberatively underperforming have an adverse effect on later opportunities? “If you’re at school and you sit down and you have to do maths or something, you’re not really thinking…like, if someone asks you a question, ‘Will maths affect what job you get when you’re older,’ you can like sit down and think about it, you go, of course it’s going to affect it. But when you sit down in maths, to do your maths after recess or lunch or whatever, you don’t really think ‘what I do right now is going to affect what I’m doing in 15 or 20 years. “

58 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Some comments offered starting points for some subsequent intervention “It’s good to be smart because then you know stuff, and if you’re dumb just so your friends like you then it’s really bad. Obviously they’re not your friends if they make you be dumb to be their friend.”

59 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Another one “…if you’re playing (sport) and you mess up or something and you have a kick and it falls short or it goes out of bounds on the full where it shouldn’t, if you have someone on your team that says, ‘You’ll get the next one,’ you’re more confident to keep playing, but if someone is like, ‘What are you doing?’ …”

60 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Finishing off the open-ended questions section

61 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Some more open-ended questions What two fractions add to give ¾?

62 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones What numbers can be rounded off to 5.8?

63 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Draw some shapes that have exactly 6 internal right angles.

64 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Making questions open Method 1: Write down a question and work out the answer. Make up a new question that includes the answer as part of the question.

65 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Example: Step 1. A typical question on rounding off is Round off 1.29 to the nearest tenth. Step 2. The answer is 1.3. Step 3. An open-ended task could be What numbers when rounded off become 1.3?

66 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Method 2. Write down a complete question including the answer. Remove some of the question parts.

67 Northern Metropolitan Region Achievement Improvement Zones Example: Step 1. The topic for tomorrow is addition of fractions. Step 2. A typical question might be 1/3 + ¼ = 7/12 Step 3. Progressively removing numbers and replacing them with blanks gets us to a task like 1/? + 1/? = ?/?

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