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Archaic Period 800-479 BCE (479 BCE = Final defeat of the Persian at Plataea)

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1 Archaic Period 800-479 BCE (479 BCE = Final defeat of the Persian at Plataea)

2 The Rise of the Polis Polis: A well-defined city-state, emerging in about 800 B.C.E Acropolis and agora Rule by oligarchy (government by the few), with slow opening to democratization (p. 38) Rise of the notion of “Citizenship” (p. 39) Athens Sparta

3 A military society A genuine oligarchy: a constitutional government operated by five officials elected annually by a small body of citizens Sparta was famous for its loyal soldiers, its stable social order, its anti-immigration laws, and laws limiting material possessions.

4 The Persian Wars Cleisthenes’s reforms as well as the Persian Wars are the two events that heralded the end of the Archaic Age. The Persian Wars started in the late 6 th century and ended in 479 B.C.E. Kings of the Persians: Darius, Xerxes Three major wars with Persia: Marathon in 490, Salamis, and Plataea in 479.

5 Religion Two categories of Greek gods: Olympian and Chthonian A pantheon of “Olympian” deities (42) Zeus Hades Hermes Poseidon Apollo Chthonian deities: Demeter and Dionysus So: polytheistic, anthropomorphic

6 Epic Poetry: Homer Iliad: story of the Trojan War (the battle of Ilium) and of Achilles’s valor Odyssey: the story of Odysseus (after the Greek defeated the Trojans) and his wanderings and cunningness before returning home

7 Natural Philosophy: Pre-Socratic Philosophy Ionian Philosophers The Pythagorean Society Heraclitus The Eleatics Anaxagoras A search for basic orders and rules of nature. A combination of science and philosophy An preoccupation with the external, material world, the object, the not-self. A search for the essence (Urstoff) of things

8 Ionian Philosophers: Thales I Thales of Miletus: He is said to have predicted the eclipse of the sun mentioned by Herodotus as occurring at the close of the war between the Lydians and the Medes. In the Metaphysics Aristotle asserts that according to Thales the earth is superimposed upon water.

9 Ionian Philosophers: Thales II Thales declared the primary stuff (Urstoff) of all things to be water. He is the first to raise the question of the One, Unity in Diversity, Identity in Difference

10 Ionian Philosophers: Anaximander Anaximander of Miletus An associate of Thales According to him the Urstoff, or the primary element, is indeterminate. He called the Urstoff the Indeterminate Boundless.

11 Ionian Philosophers: Anaximenes Anaximenes of Miletus An associate of Anaximander According to Diogenes Laërtius he wrote in the pure unmixed Ionian dialect. According to him the Urstoff is air

12 The Pythagorean Society, I The doctrine of the transmigration of the soul Common grounds between Orphicism and Pythagoreanism A promotion of soul-culture, achieved through the practice of silence, the influence of music and the study of mathematics According to them the Urstoff is number. They argued that things are numbers (and not simply numerable).

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