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Hawaii Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Quality State Plan Aspirational Goal: By the end of 2015, Hawaii will have an integrated statewide early.

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2 Hawaii Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Quality State Plan Aspirational Goal: By the end of 2015, Hawaii will have an integrated statewide early learning and development system Continuous improvement of quality including health, development, and learning outcomes for keiki ages 0-5. Close the school readiness gap between keiki with high needs and their peers at kindergarten entry.

3 Hawaii Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Quality State Plan Aspirational Goal Objectives: Increase quality and access through program enrollment in TQRIS Increase Inclusion of Children with Disabilities Meet Benchmarks of Kindergarten Entry Assessments Keiki Reading at Grade Level, Exiting 3 rd Grade.

4 Hawaii Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Quality State Plan Five Key Components of High Quality Early Childhood System: Integrate and coordinate early learning and development programs, policies, and services. Implement a Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System (TQRIS) based on demanding statewide program standards. Improve early learning and development outcomes, with a focus on children with high needs. Create a great early childhood workforce. Measure outcomes and progress.

5 Integrate and Coordinate Early Learning and Development Programs, Policies, and Services. Office of Early Childhood Department of Early Childhood 2015 DHS – Lead Agency, DOH, DOE, UH, DLIR Unprecedented Participating Agency MOU Agreed upon Scope of Work by Agencies Data MOU (State Longitudinal Data System) Private partnerships Community Based Hubs Integrate Federal, State and Private Funding Sources

6 Tiered Quality Rating Improvement System (TQRIS) Includes Assessments, Training, Coaching, Financial Incentives, Rating, and 3rd Party Evaluations. Five Tiers of Quality Culturally and Linguistically Competent Family Engagement Component Priority to programs serving children with high needs HS / EHS 619 (Integration) FFN / FCIL CB / FCC

7 Improve Early Learning and Development Outcomes, with a Focus on Children with High Needs. Early Learning Development Standards Family Engagement Standards Health Initiatives Family Centered Medical Home Developmental Screening Mental Health Screening

8 Create a Great Early Childhood Workforce. Higher Education Involvement to Incorporate Standards Professional Development, Recruitment and Resource Centers in Hubs Community Based Training of Practitioners Trainer Quality Improvement and Assurance System ELDS, FES, Health Standards Behavioral Training Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) Trauma Registry Expansion Recruitment and Retention

9 Measure Outcomes and Progress. Goal: Develop a longitudinal and coordinated early childhood data system that includes Kindergarten Entry Assessment. Objectives: Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KEA) – 2014 Participate in P-20 State Longitudinal Data System linking Early Childhood, K-12, Higher Education, Workforce and Lifelong Learning Systems


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