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Presentation on the Department of Education Response to the 2006 Committee on Weights Recommendation for SY2007-08 Board of Education Committee on Budget.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on the Department of Education Response to the 2006 Committee on Weights Recommendation for SY2007-08 Board of Education Committee on Budget."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on the Department of Education Response to the 2006 Committee on Weights Recommendation for SY2007-08 Board of Education Committee on Budget and Fiscal Accountability August 30, 2006

2 The Department wants to thank the Committee for … Its hard work and recommendations. Particularly recognizing The need to provide future committees with analysis and recommendations The benefits of a foundation allocation for all schools That some school situations may not fit into a formula

3 The Department proposes … Continuing the implementation of the current BOE-adopted WSF at the 15% implementation level for SY07-08 Applying the 2006 Legislature funds appropriated through Act 160, Section 47 to assist schools whose budgets are adversely affected by WSF

4 The Department proposes … To implement the 2006 Committee on Weights recommendation regarding focused sustained analytical support for WSF To develop a formula based on Level of funding at successful schools of various sizes Level of funding necessary to provide adequate educational opportunities Appropriate adjustments for small, rural, and unique schools

5 The Department proposes … To increase the level of principal and teacher input to discussions regarding WSF Present the new formula to the 2007 Committee on Weights in Spring 2007 Provide the Board of Education with the recommended formula in Summer 2007

6 The Departments proposal recognizes … The current BOE-adopted WSF changes the status quo per Act 51 Schools are experiencing greater flexibility Response to enrollment changes Budget and accounting changes This is just beginning the journey WSF is not happening in a vacuum

7 The Departments proposal recognizes … The need for focused sustained attention to analyze and evaluate WSF implementation data on Staffing and school operations Student access to programs and supports Unique school circumstances The need for additional funding for weighted student characteristics The need for a supportable request for additional funds

8 The Departments proposal recognizes … The students need for getting it right The schools need for Predictability Stability Logical Allocations Time to adjust The need for transparent resource allocations

9 The Departments proposal recognizes … The need for weighting for students with these characteristics Economically disadvantaged ESLL Transiency Gifted and Talented

10 The Departments proposal recognizes … Funds currently in WSF are appropriate for inclusion in WSF Placing additional funds into the WSF will require analyzing programs that are not available to all schools

11 The Department goal is to … Ensure that recommended changes to the WSF are based on analysis and evaluation of local data and sound research Implement changes in a purposeful, mindful, and deliberate manner so as to not needlessly disrupt school operations Verify changes improve system quality and student achievement

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