Telling the story. Examples of data visualisation and report writing to different audiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Telling the story. Examples of data visualisation and report writing to different audiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telling the story

2 Examples of data visualisation and report writing to different audiences

3 JSNA A report which is constantly evolving ‘yellow pages’ of data to on line interactive resource Increase in the amount of commentary Used to make decisions and prioritise (Health and Wellbeing Strategy)

4 Kidney disease PCT profiles Target audience for profiles are commissioners – what level of knowledge do they have? Multiple methods of presenting data used to keep interest high Can’t please all the people all the time

5 Teenage pregnancy Data presented as maps rather than profile or report Issues with small numbers – so mapped significance rather than rates No commentary Time line animation Significance of colour choice

6 Child and Adolescent Health - an example of how we can improve health outcomes Dr Kate Allen – Consultant in Public Health Irene Kakoullis – Head of Health Partnerships Presenting to a Health and Wellbeing Board

7 Meet Becky, aged 14… Has recently got a boyfriend Has occasionally missed school Low aspirations Not physically active Drinks alcohol at weekends She hasn’t seen her father for 6 months Has poor literacy Lacks accurate health information Low self esteem Difficult relationship with parents Lives in Ravensdale, Mansfield Has tried cannabis

8 Participation in sport and physical activity by district

9 Distribution of alcohol related youth anti-social behaviour incidents in Nottinghamshire (2008/09)

10 Alcohol and Substance Use What interventions are needed? –Reducing access to cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. –Drugs education –Young people friendly, non-judgemental, confidential services. –Parental guidance –Good relationships with trusted adults with appropriate levels of support Examples of what we offer: –Specialist services led by NHS but now included under the umbrella or Targeted Youth Support. –Healthy Schools accredit schools for drugs education and policies –Service for children affected by parental substance use

11 Positive Outcomes for Becky Has the means and motivation to sustain & improve health Access to ‘Young People friendly’ services Receives accurate advice from parents/carers and communicates well Feels safe and happy Has high aspirations Has access to non- judgmental advice Has up to date information and knows where to get help Has high self esteem & confidence Has somewhere to go and something to do Has resilience skills Positive relationships

12 Mental Health Report in Derbyshire - Headlines Multiple Needs Assessments on Mental Health in Derbyshire – difficult to get to grips with and deliver a clear message. Produced summary reports at CCG level bringing together significant points from all the separate HNA

13 Presentation...the future Infographics Youtube

14 Presentation... the future Case fatality rates



17 Attributable fractions for the non-data minded! 2 NI39 admissions = Ethanol poisoning2 X Epilepsy4 X Hypertension 10 X Breast cancer 25 X


19 Presentation.... Different audiences

20 NOO and youtube L6Jyg&feature=relmfu L6Jyg&feature=relmfu fsU4 fsU4

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