Exploring Decimal Fractions Louise Addison Pip Arnold TEAM Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Decimal Fractions Louise Addison Pip Arnold TEAM Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Decimal Fractions Louise Addison Pip Arnold TEAM Solutions

2 Purpose of this session  Have a look at decimal fractions from a SNP viewpoint.  Share a possible framework for you to use with the teachers in your department on other topics / workshops. Twofold:

3 Structure of workshop…  PART ONE Why is this not easy? – A look at misconceptions. What are the key ideas?  PART TWO How can these key ideas be taught?  PART THREE Who is ready to learn this? When should it be taught? Where is it going?

4 WWWWH Template  Overview of topic from pedagogy point of view…

5 Why?  Why is this not easy?  What are the major misconceptions / issues that need to be addressed?

6 Decimal Diagnostic Test  Analyse the answers to the decimals diagnostic test…  What are some of the common issues / misconceptions that students have with decimal fractions?

7 Your student results  Total for your group the number of students who got each question incorrect. Make a column and record this on your table.  Find and list the five most common incorrect questions.  What were the five most common correct questions?

8 Deeper Analysis  Use the actual student responses to do a deeper analysis for questions: 3d, 6a, 9 and 15. List the particular responses that students give and tally up how many gave that response across your group.  For each question pick the most common incorrect response.  Discuss in your group what the misconception is that the students might have.

9 Question 3d  5.1 for 56.

10 Question 3d  5.1 for 56. 5.118/~60 9 correct Yr 9

11 Question 6a  Write down the bigger of the two numbers 0.65 and 0.7

12 Question 6a  Write down the bigger of the two numbers 0.65 and 0.7 0.6519/~60 8 correct Yr 9

13 Question 9  Add ten to 0.15

14 Question 9  Add ten to 0.15 0.2538/~60 5 correct Yr 9

15 Question 15  Multiply 4.17 by ten

16 Question 15  Multiply 4.17 by ten 40.177/~60 4.1704/~60 26 incorrect 19 no attempt 3 correct Yr 9

17 What?  What are the key ideas / concepts to be introduced? What do they need to know? What do they need to understand? What do they need to be able to do?  What number knowledge do they need?

18 Brainstorm – decimal fractions  What do they need to know?  What do they need to understand?  What do they need to be able to do?

19 A look back to 1948…  Key idea: Information – can be ‘told’ Concept – needs to be taught Look at this video and explore what is information and what are concepts… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Iv8O TmBBaM

20 How?  How will this be taught? Materials Imaging Generalising Resources

21 Materials  Why not money?  Unifix cubes

22 Question One:  Use the unifix materials to solve this problem… 6  5 6 bars of chocolate shared amongst 5 people write your answer as:  wholes and  tenths

23 Further examples to explore… 6  4 9  2

24 Imaging  Solve the following problem by imaging - clearly explain how you could have used the materials… 4.2  3  Decode / Recode

25 Other problems  1.9 + 2.4  6.1 – 2.7  3  1.8

26 Generalising  Canon of Place Value 10 for 1, 1 for 10  Use of words to link meaning and symbols

27 Who?  Who is ready to learn this?  What diagnostic question could I ask to assess what they already know / understand?

28 Place Value knowledge  Look at numeracy framework – what stage are decimal fractions introduced?  What about 2 decimal places?

29 When?  When will this be introduced?  What prior knowledge is needed?

30 Progression…  In what order does this work suggest the following should be taught in?  Decimals  Fractions  Percentages

31 Where?  Where is this going?  What comes next?

32 What about 2 decimal places?  5  4  Record as:  whole +  tenths +  _______ What are these called and why?  Use of decimats

33 Where else do decimal fractions appear?  Discuss where in your current Junior programmes decimal fractions appear…  Rounding – Book 8  Measurement  Estimating – number, statistics  Probability

34 Further explorations  Purple Books … Book 4 p4, 5, 8-9, 13, 19, 21, 28-30 Book 5 p46-50 Book 6 p60-62 Book 7 p22-29, 36-37 Book 8 p19-22, 24-25, 31, 37-38

35 Further explorations Planning sheets www.nzmaths.co.nz AA -> AM

36 Further explorations Planning sheets www.nzmaths.co.nz AM -> AP

37 Further explorations  Link to Kath Hart tests / Kay Irwin research: Link to Kath Hart tests / Kay Irwin research:

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