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Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) The African Gender and Development Index.

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1 Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) The African Gender and Development Index

2 Objectives of the AGDI :  Monitor and report on progress in addressing gender inequalities and inequities that exist between men and women.  Monitor and report on progress on women’s empowerment and advancement.

3 Objectives of the AGDI  Provide African policy makers, gender planners and politicians with information to measure the extent of the advancement in implementing programmes aimed at addressing gender inequalities and strengthening women’s empowerment.  Monitor the action being taken in implementing conventions that African countries have ratified.  Provide a tool that is not only able to measure progress in quantitative ways, but also in qualitative terms

4 The African Gender and Development Index Consists of 2 parts:  The Gender Status Index – quantitative  The African Women’s Progress Scoreboard – qualitative

5 The Gender Status Index Consist of 3 Blocks: Social Power ‘ Capabilities” Block Economic ‘Opportunities’ Power Block Political Power ‘ Agency’ Block

6 THE GSI BLOCK COMPONENT SUB- COMPONENT INDICATOR Social Power ‘Capabilities’ Education Health Economic Power ‘Opportunities’ Income Time use Employment Access to resources Political Power ‘Agency’ Public Sector Civil Society

7 Social Power Block Education Enrolment Primary enrolment rate Secondary enrolment rate Tertiary enrolment rate Dropout Primary dropout ratio Secondary dropout ratio Literacy Ability to read and write Primary school completed

8 Social Power Block Health Child health Stunting under 3 Underweight under 3 Mortality under 5 Life expectancy at birth New HIV infection Time spent out of work

9 Economic Power Block: Wages Wages in agriculture Wages in civil service Wages in formal sector (public and/or private) Wages in informal sector

10 Economic Power Block: Income Income from informal enterprise Income from small agricultural household enterprise Income from remittances and inter-household transfers

11 Tim e- use Time spent in market economic activities (as paid employee, own-account or employer) Time-use variables are disaggregated by age group and urban/rural Time-use surveys Time spent in non market economic activities or as unpaid family worker in market economic activities Time-use surveys Time spent in domestic, care and volunteer activities Time-use surveys

12 Economic Power Block: Employment Or: Share of paid employees, own- account workers and employers in total employment

13 Economic Power Block: Access to resources Means of production Ownership of rural/urban plots/houses or land Access to credit Freedom to dispose of own income Management Employers High civil servants (class A) Members of professional syndicates Administrative, scientific and technical

14 Political Power Block: Public sector Members of parliament Cabinet ministers Higher courts judges Members of local councils Higher positions in civil service (including government institutions, regional governors and ambassadors)

15 Political Power Block: Civil society Senior positions in Political parties Trade unions Employers’ associations Professional syndicates Heads or managers of NGOs Heads of community-based associations or unions

16 Variables Indicato r Sub- component Block Members of parliament0.083 Cabinet ministers0.13 Higher courts judges0.342 Members of local councils0.295 Higher positions in civil service (including government institutions. regional governors and ambassadors) 0.3230.235

17 Senior positions in political parties 0.182 Senior positions in trade unions0.333 Senior positions in employers' associations 0.262 Senior positions in professional syndicates 0.228 Heads or managers of NGOs0.078 Heads of community-based associations or unions 0.020.1840.21

18 The African Gender and Development Index The African Women’s Progress Scoreboard – qualitative

19 RatificationReportingLawPolicy commitment CEDAW

20 Vertical Axis : Ratification Reporting Law Policy Commitment Development of a Plan Targets Institutional Mechanism Budget

21 Vertical Axis : Human resources (Training) Research Involvement of civil society Monitoring and evaluation Information and dissemination

22 Women’s Rights CEDAW Ratification without reservation Optional protocol Art 2 Art 16 African Charter of Human and People’s Rights – Women’s Rights protocol – harmful practices

23 SOCIAL POWER Beijing Platform of Action Violence against Women Domestic violence Rape Sexual harassment Traffic in women African Charter on the Rights of the Child art XXVII

24 SOCIAL POWER Health- ICPD POA Plus Five STI’s HIV/AIDS Maternal mortality Contraception 2001 Abuja Declaration on HIV/AIDS and women Education Policy on girl school dropouts Education on human/women’s rights

25 ECONOMIC POWER ILO Convention 100 Convention 111 Convention 183 Policy on HIV/AIDS

26 Economic Power Engendering NPRS Access to agricultural extension services Access to technology Equal access to land

27 POLITICAL POWER UN 1325 conflict resolution Beijing PFA effective and accessible national machinery Policies Support for women’s quota and affirmative action Decision making positions within parliament/ministries Gender mainstreaming in all departments

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