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Lab Identification Of Mycobacterium Tuberclosis 17.4.2014.

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1 Lab Identification Of Mycobacterium Tuberclosis 17.4.2014

2 Objectives At the end of the practical demonstration, student should be able to: Identify mycobacteria on the basis of their: Acid fast staining. Morphology as seen on microscopy Culture medium Differentiate between gram staining and acid fast staining Clinical features of tuberclosis

3 Mycobacterium Strict Pathogens M.Tuberculosis complex M.Tuberculosis M.Bovis M.Africanum M.micoti Animal Pathogens Lepra bacilli Atypical Myco- bacteria Saprophytic Mycobacteri a

4 Differences and similarities between Actinomyces,Nocardia and Mycobacteria GenusSpore Aerobic Growth Exotoxin Facultative Intracellular IC Hosts Acid Fast Branching rods Actinomyces______+ Nocardia_+__+++ Mycobacterium_+_+++_

5 Mycobacterium TUBERCLOSIS MORPHOLOGY Are slender bacilli exhibit filamentous form resembling fungal mycelium(myces meaning fungus) Stained by hot carbol-fuchsin and resist declorization by dilute mineral acids this why refered to acid –fast bacilli NONMOTILLE NONSPORING NONCAPSULATED BACILLUS

6 Labrotary diagnosis of mycobacteria 1- Detection Microscopy – carbolfuchsin acid fast test (Z.N stain) Morning sputum collection for 3 days Culture- A- solid egg-based LJ(lowenstien jensn medium B- solid agar –based or broth –based Middlebrook medium

7 2- Identification Morphological properties Biochemical reaction Analysis of cell wall lipids Nucleic acid probe 3- Skin test Mantoux test

8 IDENTIFICATION OF M. tuberculosis Growth rate slow Growth temperature 35°-37°C only No pigmentation Niacin positive Nitrate positive Catalase negative at 68°C growth on LJ medium

9 CULTURE OF MYCOBACTERIA TB Lowenstien-jensn medium Middlebrook broth media Tubercle bacilli are aerobes Grow slowly12-24 h and rquire 8 weeks for incubation Enreched media ; containing egg potatoes, serum and meat. NICAIN +



12 The term acid fastness refers to resistance showed by these bacteria to decolorization by acid alcohol(95%ethyl alcohol and 3% Hcl).At this strength acid alcohol decolorizes all bacteria except for mycobacteria.

13 Colonies on LJ medium take 18-24 days to appear.They appear as dry,rough,creamy or buff colored colonies.

14 Skin test Mantoux test Intradermal test 0.1 ml of PPD Result : positive reaction local edema after 48-72 h of 10 mm diameter Reagents old tuberculin test –koch test PPD Purified Protien derivative

15 Clinical Disease and symptoms Primary infection Active tuberclosis(chronic caseous granuloma) Miliary tuberclosis Symptoms : chronic cough - productive cough fever (sweating) Weight loss

16 Treatment and Vacination Comined antituberclous drugs: Isonazid Rifampicin Ethambutol Streptomycin Vaccination: BCG (Live attenuated vaccine)

17 Thank you for your attention Dr.Mashair Abdelrahman

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