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Unit 5 Test Review: Group Challenge. Unit 5 Review ■Groups will be presented a prompt & will list as many correct answers as possible within 1 minute.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Test Review: Group Challenge. Unit 5 Review ■Groups will be presented a prompt & will list as many correct answers as possible within 1 minute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Test Review: Group Challenge

2 Unit 5 Review ■Groups will be presented a prompt & will list as many correct answers as possible within 1 minute –Groups earn 1 point per correct response –If any part of the response is incorrect, teams receive no points for that round ■The winning group earns 105, others earn 100, 95, 90, 85…

3 Prompt Answer these questions: ■Name 2 of the major westward trails. ■List 3 reasons for Manifest Destiny.

4 Answers ■The Oregon Trail, The Santa-Fe Trail, the Mormon Trek and the California Trail ■The Louisiana Purchase, economic potential in the western territories, improved transportation, growth in population

5 Prompt Identify these people: #1 William Lloyd Garrison #2 Frederick Douglass #3 John Brown #4 Dred Scott #5 Harriet Beecher Stowe

6 #1 Garrison: Abolitionist; American Anti-Slavery Society; The Liberator; Immediate emancipation #2 Douglass: Abolitionist; Former slave; The North Star newspaper #3 John Brown: Abolitionist from VA; Harper’s Ferry Raid; Martyr who died to free slaves #4 Dred Scott: Slave who sued for freedom; Supreme Court declared Missouri Compromise unconstitutional; Slavery open to all #5 Stowe: abolitionist; wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin

7 Prompt Identify these sectional events: #1 Nullification Crisis of 1832 #2 Wilmot Proviso of 1848 #3 Popular Sovereignty #4 Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 #5 Presidential Election of 1860

8 #1 Nullification: Issue over tariffs; South argued that tariffs benefitted only North; Calhoun from SC threatened nullification & secession #2 Wilmot Proviso: failed proposal to limit slavery from areas of Mexican Cession #3 Pop Sov: “people vote”; allowed residents of a territory to decide on slavery or not #4 Kansas-Neb: Law that gave popular sovereignty to Kansas; Removed the Missouri Compromise line (36°30’); Led to Bleeding Kansas; Made South happy #5 1860 election: Republican Lincoln won without a single Southern vote; SC seceded

9 Prompt Name at least 2 parts of each sectional compromise #1 Missouri Compromise of 1820 #2 Compromise of 1850

10 #1 Missouri Compromise of 1820: Missouri is slave state Maine a free state Slavery outlawed above 36°30’ line #2 Compromise of 1850: California is a free state Popular sovereignty in New Mexico & Utah No slave trade in Washington DC Strict fugitive slave law—this made Northern abolitionists really mad

11 Prompt Identify these terms #1 Sectionalism #2 Manifest Destiny #3 Secession #4 Cession #5 Free-Soil Party #6 Antebellum

12 #1 Sectionalism: division between North & South; Putting interests of a region over nation #2 Man Destiny: Desire to spread West from Atlantic to Pacific; “Obvious future” #3 Secession: Break away from the USA; Like SC did after Lincoln’s election #4 Cession: To give up land; Like Mexico did during the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo #5 Free-Soil: People who want to stop the spread of slavery into the West, but who do not think Congress can take away peoples’ property #6 Antebellum: “Before the war”; Era from 1800 to 1860 (or 1820-1860)

13 Prompt Compare the North & South North South #1 Specialized regional economy? #2 Transportation? #3 Types of workers? #4 States rights or national gov’t? #5 Political party by 1856?

14 South ■ King Cotton ■ Little transp.; Rivers ■ Slave labor ■ States’ Rights (nullification) ■ Democratic PartyNorth ■ Industry; Textiles ■ Roads, Canals, RRs ■ Hired workers: Women; Immigrants ■ Strong national gov’t (tariffs, BUS, transp.) ■ Republican Party Economy? Transportation? Types of Workers? Government? Political Party?

15 Prompt Manifest Destiny: How did the USA acquire each? #1 Texas in 1845 #2 Oregon in 1846 #3 Mexican Cession in 1848 #4 California in 1848

16 #1 Texas: Annexed 9 years after Texas gained independence from Mexico (Texas Revolution) #2 Oregon: Treaty with Britain to settle border at 49° rather than 54°40’ (“54°40’ or fight!”) #3 Mexican Cession: Lands in SW gained in Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo after Mexican- American War (War caused by territorial border dispute in Texas between USA & Mexico) #4 California: Broke from Mexico during Mexican-Am War; Annexed by USA; Included as part of Mexican Cession; Became a state during Compromise of 1850

17 Prompt Name 1 thing about each rebellion #1 Bacon’s Rebellion (1676) #2 Shays’ Rebellion (1787) #3 Whiskey Rebellion (1794) #4 Nat Turner Rebellion (1831)

18 #1 Bacon’s: Poor Virginia colonists attacked by Indians; Wanted protection from VA’s governor; Revealed the power of the elite in colonial era #2 Shays’: Poor MA farmers used violence to keep their farms from being foreclosed; Nat’l gov’t couldn’t stop it; Revealed weakness of AOC #3 Whiskey: Poor PA farmers didn’t want to pay tax during Washington’s presidency; Rebels put down by GW; Showed power of nat’l gov’t #4 Nat Turner: Slave rebellion; Killed 60 whites; Southerners reacted with harsher treatment of their slaves


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