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DOMAINDid KingdomKing PhylumPhillip ClassCome OrderOver FamilyFrom GenusGreat SpeciesSpain There are 8 ways.

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Presentation on theme: "DOMAINDid KingdomKing PhylumPhillip ClassCome OrderOver FamilyFrom GenusGreat SpeciesSpain There are 8 ways."— Presentation transcript:


2 DOMAINDid KingdomKing PhylumPhillip ClassCome OrderOver FamilyFrom GenusGreat SpeciesSpain There are 8 ways

3 Green: Archaea, Red: Eukarya, Blue: Bacteria

4 Archaea Eukarya Bacteria Archaea = Ancient Eu- karya = True- Nucleus Bacteria = Little Stick


6 Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

7 There is only one kingdom classified under this domain DOMAIN ARCHAEA KINGDOM ARCHAEBACTERIA

8 Cell type: PROKARYOTE (no nucleus or other membrane bound organelles) Cell walls: Cell walls WITHOUT peptidoglycan (sugar) Number of cells: UNICELLULAR (made of only one cell; uni = one) Nutrition: Autotroph (producer; makes its own food; auto =self) OR Heterotroph (consumer; must feed on other organisms; hetero = different)


10 similarities to both other prokaryotes & eukaryotes. In structure, they are like unicellular prokaryotes the genetic transcription and translation are like that of eukaryotes Have unique lipid (fat) structure of their cellular membrane Live in primordial environments Korarchaeota, in particular, have been singled out as the closest organisms yet found to the universal ancestor

11 Found in EXTREME environments on Earth THERMOPHILES Therm = temperature; philes = loving; these are Heat loving organisms Think of how warm a THERMAL blanket is Some obtain energy from SULFUR = chemitroph Live in boiling hot springs or volcanoes

12 Found in EXTREME environments on Earth HALOPHILES Halo from halogen family (F, Cl, Br, I ) on periodic table Salt loving organisms Live in very salty water such as the dead sea

13 Found in EXTREME environments on Earth METHANOGENS exhale METHANE GAS as an anerobic waste product Live in anaerobic areas: swamps, wetlands, bogs, mammal digestive systems, earths crust CH 4 = Methane (chemical structure)

14 There is only one kingdom classified under this domain DOMAIN BACTERIA KINGDOM EUBACTERIA

15 Cell type: PROKARYOTE (no nucleus or other membrane bound organelles) Cell walls: Cell walls WITH peptidoglycan (sugar) Number of cells: UNICELLULAR Nutrition: Autotroph (producer; makes its own food) OR Heterotroph (consumer; must feed on other organisms)

16 Found in practically every environment on Earth!! Most abundant of all living organisms Includes Bacillus anthracis (causes anthrax), and Streptococcus pyogenes (causes strep throat) There is probably more bacteria living in your body than there are people in the world! Along with fungi they make up our normal flora.

17 The remaining four kingdoms are classified under this domain DOMAIN EUKARYA KINGDOM FUNGI KINGDOM PROTISTA KINGDOM PLANTAE KINGDOM ANIMALIA

18 Cell type: EUKARYOTE (contain a nucleus & membrane bound organelles) Cell walls: Plant-like: Cell walls with cellulose Fungus-like: cell walls with chitin Animal-like: NO Number of cells: UNICELLULAR AND MULTICELLULAR Nutrition: Autotroph (producer; make their own food) And/Or Heterotroph (consumer; must feed on other organisms)

19 Wide variety of species that mostly live in water Animal-like protists Plant-like protists Fungus-like protists

20 All unicellular, heterotrophs; no cell wall divided into four basic groups based on how they move and live. Phyla: Amoeba- have pseudopods Ciliates- have cilia Ex: Paramecium Flagellates–have flagella Ex: Giardia Sporazoans–parasitic Ex: Plasmodium vivax that causes malaria

21 unicellular/multicellular/colonies, all autotrophic divided into four basic groups. Phyla: Euglenoids autotroph when sunny, heterotroph when dark; unicellular; mostly fresh water;some have flagella Dinoflagellates Unicellular; 2 flagella; fluoresce; found in ocean (ride tide) Diatoms Unicellular; translucent cell walls made of silica; Algea Green: most unicellular, some colonies, few multicellular; live in fresh/salt water, and on land; Red: sea weed; live in deep salt water Brown: sea weed; live in salt water; air bladders

22 All unicellular/multicellular; heterotrophs (decomposers) Reproduce by forming spores divided into three basic groups Ex: Water Molds live in water or moist environments Downy Mildews live in water or moist environments Slime Molds Colorful, live in moist soil or on decaying plants; pseudopod stage

23 Cell type: EUKARYOTE (contain a nucleus & membrane bound organelles) Cell walls: Cell walls with cellulose Number of cells: MULTICELLULAR Nutrition: Autotroph (producer; make their own food)

24 Found in many different environments on Earth Flowering seed plants Roses Nonflowering seed plants Pine trees Seedless vascular plants (veins) Ferns Nonvascular plants Mosses

25 Cell type: EUKARYOTE (contain a nucleus & membrane bound organelles) Cell walls: Cell walls – contain chitin (same chitin as in exoskeletons of insects, crustaceans, etc.) Number of cells: MOST MULTICELLULAR Nutrition: Saprophytic heterotroph, saprophyte=obtain nutrients from dead organic matter

26 Found in many different environments on Earth Most exist as HYPHAE – slender filaments Ex: mushrooms, yeast, bread mold Fungi are DECOMPOSERS and feed by ABSORPTION They digest their food, and then eat it! They secrete out their digestive juices, and then absorb the digested materials right into their cells! How they obtain nutrients by absorption is how you can distinguish fungi from other eukaryotic organisms Zoom out mycelia hyphae

27 Cell type: EUKARYOTE (contain a nucleus & membrane bound organelles) Cell walls: NO cell walls Number of cells: MULTICELLULAR Nutrition: Heterotroph (consumer; must feed on other organisms)

28 Live in the water, on land, and in the air Range in size from a few millimeters to many meters Includes everything from sponges and insects, to worms and parrots, and humans!!!

29 Cellular membranes Cytosol/ Cytoplasm Ribosomes Organelle that makes proteins from genetic material

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