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Brian Foster - LCUK 1 Summary of UK meetings and general ILC status Brian Foster Oxford Summary of Steering Committee and Collaboration Council. Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Brian Foster - LCUK 1 Summary of UK meetings and general ILC status Brian Foster Oxford Summary of Steering Committee and Collaboration Council. Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brian Foster - LCUK 1 Summary of UK meetings and general ILC status Brian Foster Oxford Summary of Steering Committee and Collaboration Council. Report on developments since last LCUK Outlook RHUL April 13th, 2007

2 Brian Foster - LCUK 2 Steering & Council SC discussed the overall status of the GDE (see later). Much of what we discussed will be covered either in my own talk or in the subsequent ones. The UK involvement in the concept studies was discussed and it was agreed that we need to be more visibly involved in these - although we are of course very much in the forefront of developing the technology. We didn’t finish this discussion & will continue over lunch and possibly at LCWS.

3 Brian Foster - LCUK 3 Steering & Council Liverpool has volunteered to look into hosting the next meeting - the tentative date would be within the week 24th-28th September, preferably 24th-25th. The date will be announced as soon as possible. Format was discussed. G. Moorgat-Pick wants to get an outreach event going within the next few months. A group was formed which will report at the IoP 1/2-day meeting in Oxford on May 23rd.

4 Brian Foster - LCUK 4 BCD overview Baseline Design completed in December 2005 overseen by Executive: Directors + T. Raubenheimer, N. Walker, K. Yokoya.

5 Brian Foster - LCUK 5 Vancouver meeting GDE meeting held in parallel with ALC meeting in July. First examination of the RDR design in full and cost estimate. The RDR design until that point had concentrated on achieving required functionality and little on cost. Post Vancouver the effort concentrated on understanding the cost drivers and making design mods to simplify the machine and to make it cheaper.

6 Brian Foster - LCUK 6 Valencia Meeting Very important meeting at Valencia in November - more than 400 participants in parallel with ECFA Study. Several very useful joint sessions to discuss areas of common interest between experimenters and machine. Because some of the changes being contemplated impact on the ILC parameters, the Scope Group chaired by Rolf Heuer was reactivated and met during the meeting. It is working closely with GDE EC.

7 Brian Foster - LCUK 7 Baseline -> RDR Baseline Configuration Removal of second e+ ring ~31 km not to scale

8 Brian Foster - LCUK 8 Baseline -> RDR Baseline Configuration ~31 km Removal of second e+ ring simulations of effect of clearing electrodes on Electron Cloud instability suggests that a single e+ ring will be sufficient not to scale

9 Brian Foster - LCUK 9 Baseline Configuration ~31 km Centralised injectors Place both e+ and e- ring in single centralized tunnel not to scale Baseline -> RDR

10 Brian Foster - LCUK 10 Baseline -> RDR Baseline Configuration ~31 km Centralised injectors Place both e+ and e- ring in single centralized tunnel Adjust timing (remove timing insert in e+ linac) not to scale

11 Brian Foster - LCUK 11 Baseline -> RDR Baseline Configuration ~30 km Centralised injectors Place both e+ and e- ring in single centralized tunnel Adjust timing (remove timing insert in e+ linac) Remove BDS e+ bypass not to scale

12 Brian Foster - LCUK 12 Baseline -> RDR Baseline Configuration ~30 km Centralised injectors Place both e+ and e- ring in single centralized tunnel Adjust timing (remove timing insert in e+ linac) Remove BDS e+ bypass Long 5GeV low-emittance transport lines now required not to scale

13 Brian Foster - LCUK 13 Vancouver Baseline –Two BDSs, 20/2 mrad, 2 detectors, 2 longitudinally separated IR halls BDS & IR Cost-driven design modification 2mr IR significantly more expensive than 20mr Discussions with MDI panel Present Baseline –One BDSs, 14 mrad, 2 detectors in single IR hall in “push-pull”

14 Brian Foster - LCUK 14 The RDR

15 Brian Foster - LCUK 15 The RDR

16 Brian Foster - LCUK 16 The RDR

17 Brian Foster - LCUK 17 The RDR

18 Brian Foster - LCUK 18 The RDR

19 Brian Foster - LCUK 19 RDR reception RDR was presented at a press conference in Beijing in February. There was substantial coverage in US and Asian newspapers and specialist journals; in Europe coverage spotty -substantial in Germany - in UK limited to specialist journals. The tone of the articles was generally positive. Seemed to be acceptance that scale of project roughly similar to ITER and LHC (taking previous infrastructure into account).

20 Brian Foster - LCUK 20 RDR reception Not much reaction from governments. “No news is good news”? FALC chair “welcomed” RDR & costing.

21 Brian Foster - LCUK 21 RDR reception Ray Orbach (DoE undersecretary for science) remarks to HEPAP. Not helpful! Currently no major increase in next 2 fiscal year HEP budgets in US - but substantial transfer into ILC R&D.

22 Brian Foster - LCUK 22 Beyond the RDR Post-Beijing period will be dominated by politics, outreach, reviews etc, probably for at least 6 months. MAC meeting to review R&D plan at Fermilab 26th-27th April. Essential that momentum in the project maintained during this period and good start to next phase - Engineering Design. ICFA & ILCSC has accepted the RDR at Beijing. An international costing review is now being set up and will take place in Orsay from 24th-26th May.

23 Brian Foster - LCUK 23 What is the EDR? Basic full design of the ILC based on engineering drawings and a WBS that can be reliably costed and risk analysed in detail. Will fulfill governmental requirements for construction approval. Input to “2010 summit” for ILC decision. Details and full scope under discussion - but the EDR will still require ~2 years further development before ground can be broken somewhere.

24 Brian Foster - LCUK 24 How to deliver EDR Several considerations, both external (cf ITER, X-FEL) and internal (rate of growth of ILC design effort) point to an increase of around 2-3 in current effort, both inside GDE (“central design group”) and outside (the workers) being necessary to produce an EDR by 2010. Seems unlikely, and probably undesirable, that such an increase can be achieved under current paradigm of ad-hoc assignment from labs & relatively uncoordinated R&D.

25 Brian Foster - LCUK 25 How to deliver EDR Engineering Design Phase will be organised in work packages managed by a Project Manager and a PM team. Executive Committee will continue as is; needs to organise an extensive programme of R&D which will be fully integrated into the work packages.

26 Brian Foster - LCUK 26 How to deliver EDR Marc Ross currently chairing a working group examining the options for the structures, the WBS and the work package assignment to deliver EDR. Phone conferences every Tuesday. The EC has been examining candidates for Technical Coordinator. An offer has been made and discussed in detail and an announcement can be expected shortly.

27 Brian Foster - LCUK 27 Cavity performance Somewhat inconsistent! GDE “S0, S1” task forces set up to address problem.

28 Brian Foster - LCUK 28 Europe in EDR Europe needs to consider carefully what its role in the EDR phase should be. It seems difficult to find a factor 2 increase in FTEs - but European institutions will surely wish to bid for some work packages for the EDR. We need CERN to play a strong role in the EDR. At the moment, this looks rather difficult.

29 Brian Foster - LCUK 29 European SCF in FP7 First FP7 call is for “Preparatory Phase” and is intended for projects on the ESFRI Road map. Deadline is May 2 nd. PP scheme is meant to take mature projects over the final threshold to construction. ILC is eligible since it is on the European particle physics roadmap, which was assimilated into the ESFRI roadmap. The EU Commission ruled that only 2 projects were sufficiently advanced to be eligible for PP funding: the LHC upgrade, and ILC.

30 Brian Foster - LCUK 30 European SCF in FP7 There are 35 eligible projects. If all were funded equally, each would receive 2 MEuro; the minimum is 1MEuro, the maximum 7 MEuro. The funding is divided into two main categories: siting, governance, access, legal questions, management studies etc; and for all other technical questions that play a key role in realising the infrastructure. The “technical” part of the project must not exceed 50% of the total requested budget. The total requested in this proposal is 8 MEuro.

31 Brian Foster - LCUK 31 European SCF in FP7 Scheme is not ideally suited for the ILC! Nevertheless, possible to adapt GDE activity that we intend to do anyway so that it can be presented in the appropriate EU “box”. To fulfil the requirement that the technical part should be less than 50%, we request salaries of people who would otherwise be paid for by their own laboratories, such as BF, E. Elsen. Our plan is that the laboratories will “recycle” the money saved to make further contributions to technical development.

32 Brian Foster - LCUK 32 European SCF in FP7 Summary: make further progress on preparing sites within Europe (including Russia) and explore with governments mechanisms for site proposal and selection; to develop models for governance of an ILC laboratory, making use of existing European expertise at CERN, DESY and elsewhere; to develop outreach materials and strategies in many EU languages. On the technical side, goal to make 30 cavities and by close interaction and synergy with XFEL facilities to build high-performance cavities and modules and to test them to develop the industrial capacity in the EU to produce a substantial fraction of the ILC superconducting modules.

33 Brian Foster - LCUK 33 EuroTeV primed in FP7 The pp bid is deliberately limited to SCRF since we think this is the best strategy to get technical effort from this scheme. This doesn’t mean that there are no other things currently in EuroTeV that need to continue. The bids to other FP7 calls, such as design studies etc etc are coordinated by ESGARD. Our communications with ESGARD have been terrible - R. Aleksan has now agreed that I or my deputy may attend.

34 Brian Foster - LCUK 34 EuroTeV primed in FP7 ESGARD has established an (artifical) set of deadlines for these calls, which we are about to miss! Phil Burrows has kindly agreed to act as coordinator for this, working with E. Elsen, who is drowning with me in the PP proposal! Since a lot of instrumentation is common with CLIC the plan is to try to develop a common package with them for the appropriate calls.

35 Brian Foster - LCUK 35 UK News So now we have a new RC - STFC. The first STFC particle physics Town Meeting took place last week just before the IoP meeting. The talk from Keith Mason was very upbeat; but STFC has inherited the problems of both PPARC and CCLRC. Last PPARC Science Committee wrestled with problems of insufficient resource to fund current activity. T2K was approved but only just and with much reduced scope.

36 Brian Foster - LCUK 36 UK News The next couple of years will be very tough as there is no free money and there is pressure to cap spend on ILC activities. Any restructuring of administration etc will need to come from current funding. OSI are prone to apply random levies. You have heard the situation with LCABD. MICE is in an even worse situation. The £1M funding for that was supposed to be in the CCLRC budget but it was “forgotten”.

37 Brian Foster - LCUK 37 UK News The intention is that the Council will not be concerned with science policy in detail, but with governance issues etc. It remains to be seen whether this will happen in practice. STFC Council has now been announced. Chair is Peter Warry, ex-chair of PPARC. Members: K. Mason ・ K. Burnett ・ M. Davies ・ M. Edmunds ・ P. Greenish ・ P. Kaziewicz ・ A. Sargent ・ R. Wade ・ C. Whitehouse

38 Brian Foster - LCUK 38 UK News The remaining peer review bodies will be filled in the next few weeks. The most important is Science Council, which will overview all STFC’s science activities & facilities. The PPAN will be the next echelon down, and will be ` PPARC’s Science Committee with the addition of the Nuclear Physicists. It is expected that there will be some continuity of membership between old SC and new PPAN. There will be a parallel committee to serve life and other physical sciences.

39 Brian Foster - LCUK 39 UK News Everything else will carry on as before. The first major activity of the new structures will be a programmatic review to take place over the next year. The PPGC and the PPRP are expected at least for the moment to carry on as before, although it seems difficult to believe that the PPRP could cope with an increased workload without some sort of changes.

40 Brian Foster - LCUK 40 UK News The outlook for pp in general and ILC in particular currently not favourable. The Chair & CE of STFC are not supporters of ILC. This comes down even more strongly from OSI and apparently from above them in Treasury. We need to start a campaign, in the context of the LHC and hopefully exciting results, to show that pp is worth investing in. Something should start to happen soon on the general campaign. IoP will be the front organisation.

41 Brian Foster - LCUK 41 UK News Our strategy in the ILC will need to rely heavily on support from industry. Knowledge exchange is one of the priorities of STFC and strong involvement of industry in the project will be essential in changing minds on ILC investment. Everyone in the project needs to play a role in this and we need to take the message to the grass roots as well as the opinion formers.

42 Brian Foster - LCUK 42 Summary & Outlook As always in an enormous international project, there is always great pressure to move on to the next phase. It is however worth reflecting on the enormous progress over the last year. The RDR is a major milestone for the ILC. It documents very serious design work, strategic decisions and R&D progress. The presentation at Beijing was a success. Contrary to some views, the ILC is still alive post costing & “sticker shock”.

43 Brian Foster - LCUK 43 Summary & Outlook However, Orbach’s remarks have caused serious damage - politicians & funding agencies looking for an excuse to prevaricate are very happy. It is necessary to emphasise the positive interpretation of his remarks In the UK, we are going to have a tough fight to maintain our ILC activity both in the machine and detector. This is part of a bigger effort that will hopefully take shape in the next months.

44 Brian Foster - LCUK 44 Summary & Outlook We have to put our heads down and soldier on as if none of these distractions were happening. If we don’t produce the EDR and the detector proposals on schedule, then we play into the hands of those who want delay. If we produce the goods, we put the politicians on the spot.

45 Brian Foster - LCUK 45 Summary & Outlook Remember to register for LCWS - early deadline is on Sunday

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