Picture This 2 nd Timothy 2:1-10 1.You, therefore, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2.And what you have heard from me in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Picture This 2 nd Timothy 2:1-10 1.You, therefore, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2.And what you have heard from me in the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Picture This 2 nd Timothy 2:1-10

3 1.You, therefore, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2.And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 3.Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4.To please the recruiter, no one serving as a soldier gets entangled in the concerns of everyday life.

4 5.Also, if anyone competes as an athlete, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. 6.It is the hardworking farmer who ought to be the first to get a share of the crops. 7.Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything. 8.Keep in mind Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descended from David, according to my gospel.

5 9.For this I suffer, to the point of being bound like a criminal; but God’s message is not bound. 10.This is why I endure all things for the elect: so that they also may obtain salvation, which is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. Holman Christian Standard Bible



8 My Personal Evangelism Strategy Pastor a First Baptist Church in a county-seat town Impact that town with the Gospel Hold the South (Bible belt) Reach the world from there as a base of operations


10 Ron Bennet’s “Wake Up Call Questions” Are we populating heaven and depopulating hell? Are authentic disciples being made? Does our church have an environment that cultivates spiritual growth? Are the lives of believers radically changed as a result of encountering our ministry? What impact is our church having on the culture in which we exist? Are we acting or being acted upon?


12 Marks of Disciples 1.Continuing… 1.Continuing… John 8:31 “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, you really are My disciples.” 2.Loving… 2.Loving… John 13:35 “By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

13 3.Supreme Loyalty to Christ… 3.Supreme Loyalty to Christ… Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters— yes, and even his own life—he cannot be My disciple.” 4.Willing to Suffer for Christ… 4.Willing to Suffer for Christ… Luke 14:27 “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” 5.Becoming Like Christ… 5.Becoming Like Christ… Luke 6:40 “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.”

14 6.Bearing Fruit… 6.Bearing Fruit… John 15:8 “My Father is glorified by this: that you produce much fruit and prove to be My disciples.” 7.Bringing Possessions Under the Lordship of Christ… 7.Bringing Possessions Under the Lordship of Christ… Luke 14:33 “In the same way, therefore, every one of you who does not say good-bye to all his possessions cannot be My disciple.”


16 Some Receiving Some Discipleship Sermons – teaching preaching Sunday School Study courses Retreats Youth group


18 Our Uneven Development


20 The Big Picture accountability relationshipsThe intentional training of disciples, with accountability, on the basis of loving relationships.

21 The Big Picture Every Church Should be a Discipling Center Deliver them Develop them Deploy them The intentional training of disciples, with accountability, on the basis of loving relationships.


23 Discipleship Eastbourne Consultation on Discipleship Discipleship is a process That takes place within accountable relationships Over a period of time For the purpose of bring believers to spiritual maturity in Christ It is both relational and intentional It is both a position and a process Evangelism and discipleship go together


25 4 C’s of Discipleship 1.Commitment to Jesus 2.Character – becoming like Jesus 3.Convictions – they live by Jesus’ teachings 4.Competence – they know how… –To study the Bible for themselves –To explain Bible doctrines –To pray and praise –To witness –To make more disciples


27 The Plan vs. 2 “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” Selective – faithful men Passing the baton - commit Competence – able to Multiplication – to teach others also







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