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Kentucky Core Academic Standards

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1 Kentucky Core Academic Standards
College and Career Readiness Kentucky Core Academic Standards Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning Assessment Literacy PODCAST 2 This is the second in a series of podcasts designed to provide district staff with a basic foundation for the Kentucky Core Academic Standards, Highly Effective Teaching and Learning, Assessment Literacy, Leadership, and how these components support Senate Bill 1 requirements. The summer conferences and future professional development for all levels and content areas will focus on these components in much greater depth. As we move forward, keep in mind that we are still in the early stages of this work. You will have a lot of questions today and during the future presentations. As we said in the first podcast, this work will not be accomplished in a few months or even a year. We will all have to continue to use our patience and professionalism as we learn together.

2 College & Career Readiness
High Assessment Podcast 4 Podcasts 2 and 3 HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEACHING & LEARNING SENATE BILL 1 Middle Just as we addressed in the previous podcast: No one grade level or content area is responsible for preparing a student for life after 12th grade; However we can ensure that we are providing the most effective teaching and learning experiences for all students while we have them. We can ensure that WHAT we are teaching is grounded in standards that are rigorous, coherent and equitable. We can ensure that at every level teachers AND students assess learning and make adjustments. While the focus of the first podcast was Senate Bill 1, the focus of podcast 4 will be Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning and the connection to Balanced Assessment Practices this podcast and the next will be an introduction to the Kentucky Core Academic Standards. Kentucky Core Academic Standards Assessment Podcast 1 Elementary Assessment

3 Today’s Objectives Gain a deeper understanding of:
The purpose of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards How the standards address College and Career Readiness The Kentucky Core Academic Standards in relation to Core Content 4.1 During today’s presentation, you will gain a deeper understanding of:  The purpose of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards  How the standards address College and Career Readiness And how the Kentucky Core Academic standards relate to Core Content 4.1 During this session, you will have a lot of time to work and talk with your colleagues through learning activities designed around these objectives.

4 Learning Targets I can articulate the goals and purposes of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards. I can articulate how the Kentucky Core Academic Standards prepare students for College and Career Readiness. I understand how the Kentucky Core Academic Standards relate to Core Content 4.1. As part of balanced assessment practices, learning targets are used to provide the student with information about what content they are learning and how they will know they have learned the content. According to research, students who understand their targeted learning perform better than those who do not. On this slide we have provided some examples of what a learning target might look like. We will revisit these learning targets at the end of the session.

5 Purpose of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards
To ensure that all students throughout Kentucky are provided with common content and have opportunities to learn at high levels. The purpose of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards is to outline the minimum content standards required for all students before graduating from Kentucky public high schools. Today, you will engage in reading and discussing the introductions to the Math and English Language Arts standards. These documents are from the national model and will be included in the materials each teacher receives. These documents provide important background information that is central to understanding the standards. This goes beyond what is included in the state document, but we wanted you to have access to all of the supporting information.

6 Jigsaw Activity Divide the large group into two groups to read the introduction to the Common Core State Standards/Kentucky Core Academic Standards. One group for Math and one for English Language Arts These groups will further divide the reading. For our first activity, we are going to divide the reading of the introductions. Each participant will receive a copy of both the Math and English Language Arts documents, even though you will only be reading one during today’s session. You may want to take time to read the other later. The facilitator will quickly decide which half of the group will be reading the Math introduction and which half will read the English Language Arts introduction. Please pause the podcast. **See facilitator’s guide for more explicit directions.

7 Jigsaw Activity MATH-Teams of 4 ELA-Teams of 5 Reading 1: p. 3
Reading1: Page 1 to “Understanding Mathematics” Reading 2: “Understanding Mathematics” to the bottom of p. 5 Reading 3: Top of p. 6 to top of p. 7 (stop at 4.) Reading 4: “4. Model with mathematics” to the end Reading 1: p. 3 Reading 2: p. 4 Reading 3: p. 5 Reading 4: p. 6 Reading 5: p. 7 The group reading the Math introduction will need to work in teams of 4, so that the entire document is read collectively.    The group reading the English Language Arts will need to work in teams of 5. Again, the entire document will be read collectively. The reading has been divided on the slide. Each team member needs to choose a section of the reading for which they will be responsible. Please pause the podcast. MATH-Teams of 4 ELA-Teams of 5

8 Jigsaw Activity As you read your section….
Highlight ONE sentence that is important to you. Highlight ONE phrase that is important to you. Highlight ONE word that is important to you. When you share out with your team… Discuss the sentence first and why you chose it. Discuss the phrase second and why you chose it. Discuss the word last and why you chose it. Use the chart paper to highlight the important ideas of your team’s discussion. Now that you have your groups decided, here is the procedure for the jigsaw activity.    As you read your section of the introduction, highlight one sentence that is important to you, one phrase, and one word. When you share out with your team,  take turns discussing the sentence first and your reasoning, then the phrase, and then the word. Use the chart paper to highlight the important ideas of your team’s discussion. One person can act as the scribe during the discussion. This activity should take approximately 15 minutes. Please pause the podcast for 15 minutes of total work time.

9 Gallery Walk As a team, walk around and look at each poster.
Use Post-it notes to capture your thinking as you walk. What are the big ideas you notice on the posters? What commonalities are there between the posters for Math and English Language Arts? What questions do you have? After the gallery walk, please be prepared to share your thinking and conversation with the large group. At this time, your group’s poster should be hung in an accessible place in the room. In a minute you are going to engage in a Gallery Walk to visit the other groups’ posters. As you walk, take Post-It notes along with you to capture your thinking about the questions on the slide. Please save your comments for the whole group discussion following the Gallery Walk. You should take only 10 total minutes to complete the Gallery Walk and discussion. Please pause the podcast for 10 minutes.

10 From the Old to the New It is time to recognize
that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep. Math Introduction, p. 5 As we move into the next section of our work, think about this quote from the Math introduction. It is time to recognize that standards are not just promises to our children, but promises we intend to keep. During this next section, we are going to be taking some time to compare our old standards, Core Content 4.1, with our new standards, the Kentucky Core Academic Standards.

11 Core Content Standards/Kentucky Core Academic Standards
Two Groups Half for Reading (ELA) and half for Math Read your page and discuss with your small group. Be prepared to share your thinking with the large group. Handout CC 4.1 Standards for Reading or Math are in the left column. Kentucky Core Academic Standards for Reading and Math are in the right column. For this activity, we will again divide into two groups. One group for English Language Arts and the other for Math. On the handouts, the Core Content 4.1 standards are in the left column and the Kentucky Core Academic Standards are on the right. You will read and discuss what you notice with your small group and then with the large group. At this time, you want to capture your initial thoughts. This activity provides a glimpse into the on-going learning we will engage in over the next several months. **See facilitator’s guide for more specific directions and helpful notes for facilitating the conversation.

12 Discussion Questions What do you notice?
How are they alike? Different? How will this information influence our discussions regarding the new English Language Arts standards? Please use the questions on this slide to help guide your discussion. You will have 10 total minutes to complete the reading and discussion. Please pause the podcast for 10 minutes.

13 Learning Targets I can articulate the goals and purposes of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards. I can articulate how the Kentucky Core Academic Standards prepare students for College and Career Readiness. I understand how the Kentucky Core Academic Standards relate to Core Content 4.1. During today’s work, you have had the opportunity to engage in activities and conversations to deepen your understanding of the Kentucky Core Academic Standards. The goals, purposes, and how they prepare students to be College and Career Ready. You have also had some time to compare the Kentucky Core Academic Standards to Core Content 4.1. As we said in the beginning, we are still in the early stages of our learning. You probably have some lingering questions that may be answered in future presentations.

14 Next Steps Podcast 3-Kentucky Core Academic Standards
Podcast 4-Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning with a focus on Assessment Literacy Summer Professional Development – KCAS, CHETL, Assessment Literacy (preparation for first weeks of the school year) Continuing Professional Development – differentiated to meet the needs of individual schools During the next Podcast, we will again look more closely at the Kentucky Core Academic Standards and the intent of the standards. You will be receiving more complete standards materials soon. In the final podcast, we will explore the characteristics of highly effective teaching and learning, with an emphasis on assessment literacy, in order to prepare us for implementing the new standards. Currently, curriculum maps are being designed to assist teachers with implementation. In addition, the summer professional development will allow teachers to begin preparing for the first 12 weeks.

For further information, please visit the Gheens Website. It is updated frequently.

16 Common Language Rollout – introduction and progressive learning about the standards, assessment and CHETL Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning – CHETL Balanced assessment including effective use of formative assessment - Assessment Literacy Kentucky Core Academic Standards – KCAS Learning Target Here is some of the common language covered in today’s podcast.

17 “High achievement always takes place in the framework of
Closing Thought “High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.” ~Charles F. Kettering Engineer/Inventor As we close today, let’s continue to keep in mind that Senate Bill 1 is about more than new standards and an accountability system. It is about changing WHAT and HOW we teach to ensure that all kids have the opportunity to learn at high levels and are ready for the college or career of their choice.

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