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Lazy Release Consistency for Software Distributed Shared Memory Pete Keleher Alan L. Cox Willy Z.

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Presentation on theme: "Lazy Release Consistency for Software Distributed Shared Memory Pete Keleher Alan L. Cox Willy Z."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lazy Release Consistency for Software Distributed Shared Memory Pete Keleher Alan L. Cox Willy Z.

2 Overview u Software DSM u Release Consistency u Eager Release Consistency u Lazy Release Consistency u Conclusion

3 Software DSM u Provides shared address space using software support u Rely on (user level) memory management techniques to detect access/updates to shared data u Memory coherence protocol – illusion of shared memory u High Communication overheads and Large page- size coherence units u Sending messages expensive in Software DSM

4 Release Consistency u Extension of weak consistency u Weak Consistency  Synchronization – Globally Update Memory  Local changes propagated to all processors u Release Consistency  Propagates only locked memory as needed.

5 RC – Shared Memory Accesses Shared Memory Accesses OrdinarySpecial SyncNsync AcquireRelease

6 RC – Formal Definition u A system is release consistent if  Before an ordinary access is allowed to perform with respect to any other processor, all previous acquires must be performed  Before a release is allowed to perform with respect to any other processor, all the previous reads and writes must be performed.  Special accesses are sequentially consistent with each other.

7 Eager Release Consistency (based on Munin’s write share protocol) u Release  Modification propagated at release u Invalidate Protocol – Sends invalidations u Update Protocol  Diffs – limit the amount of data exchanged

8 Eager Release Consistency (..Contd) u Acquire  No consistency related operations  Protocol locates the processor that last executed a release on the same variable u Access Miss  Message to directory manager.  Directory manager forwards request to current owner

9 Eager Release Consistency P1 P2 P3 P4 w(x) rel acq w(x) rel acq r(x) Repeated Updates of Cached Copies in Eager RC

10 Lazy Release Consistency u Rather than eagerly “sync up” data at release point, why not “lazily” wait until the subsequent acquire? u Propagation of modifications postponed until the time of an acquire. u To do so happened-before-1 partial order is used.

11 Lazy Release Consistency P1 P2 P3 P4 w(x) rel acq w(x) rel acq r(x) Message Traffic in LRC

12 happened-before-1 Partial Order u Shared memory accesses are partially ordered by happened-before-1, denoted by, defined as follows:  If a1 and a2 are accesses on the same processor, and a1 occurs before a2 in program order, then a1 a2  If a1 is a release on processor p1, and a2 is an acquire on the same location on processor p2, and a2 returns the value written by a1, then a1 a2  If a1 a2, a2 a3, then a1 a3. hb1

13 Write Notices u RC requires that before a processor may continue past an acquire, all shared accesses that precede acquire must be performed at the acquiring processor u LRC – Guaranteed by write notices u Write Notice  Indication of modification

14 Write Notice Propagation u Execution of each processor is divided into intervals u Interval beginning – special access executed by that processor u Interval performed at a processor  All modifications during that interval have been performed at the processor

15 Write Notice Propagation P1 P2 P3 P4 w(x) rel acq w(x) rel acq r(x) i p1 i P2 i p3 i p4

16 Write Notice Propagation u V p (i)  Vector Timestamp for interval i and processor p. u Number of elements in V p (i) = Number of processors u Entry for p in V p (i) = i u Entry for q in V p (i) = Most recent interval of q performed at p

17 Write Notice Propagation u V p1 (i p1 ) = { i p1, 0, 0, 0} u V p2 (i p2 ) = {i p1, i p2, 0, 0} u V p3 (i p3 ) = {0, i p2, i p3, 0} u V p4 (i p4 ) = {0, 0, i p3, i p4 } u On acquire, the acquiring processor p3 sends its current vector timestamp to previous releaser p2. u Processor p2 uses this information to send p3 the write notices for all intervals of all processors that have performed at p2 but not at p1

18 Data Movement Protocols u Multiple Writer Protocol u False Sharing  Occurs when two or more processors access different variables within a page, with at least one of the accesses being a write  Generates large amount of message traffic  Handling false sharing for software DSM – important because of large page size u LRC allows multiple writer protocol:  Allows concurrent writes to different part of the page  No message traffic  Modifications merged using diffs

19 Invalidate Vs Update u Invalidate  Acquiring processor invalidates all pages in its cache for which it receives write notices. u Update  Updates those pages  Diffs must be obtained for all concurrent modifiers.  For interval i, diffs must be obtained from all intervals j, such that, j i, and there exists no k such that j k i hb1

20 Access Misses u Copy of page as well as a number of diffs may have to be retrieved u Modifications summarized by diffs are merged before access u Access Miss:  At interval i, diffs must be obtained from all intervals j, such that, j i, and there exists no k such that j k i u If processor has an invalidated copy of page  Whole page not sent  Write-notices contain all the necessary information of diffs  Reduces the amount of data sent. hb1

21 Conclusion u Performance of Software DSM – Sensitive to the number of messages and amount of data exchanged to create shared memory abstraction. u LRC aims at reducing both the number of messages and amount of data exchanged by allowing changes to propagate lazily, only when needed.

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