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CTE (vocational) funding at the state and federal level.

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1 CTE (vocational) funding at the state and federal level


3 Where’s the $$$

4 Beyond FTES and locally obtained funds, approximately $156.4 million in round numbers -- Federal & State

5 Federal Perkins or “CTEA” (Carl D. Perkins Career Technical Education Act of 1998) Local Grant (1-c) $52.5M – discretionary district level funds upon approval of annual plan by CCCCO, based on enrollment numbers Tech Prep (title II) $9M – builds high school to CCC program pathways State Leadership (1-b) $5.7M – supports regional and statewide infrastructure (regional consortia, statewide program improvement, etc.) State Plan with accountability targets

6 Federal Nursing and Allied Health Education Program for 2009-10 Nursing Education Initiative (WIA): $9 million ($6 million for 5 th year of first 5 year grant, $3 million for 1 st year of second 5 year grant) Allied Health Phase II (WIA/ARRA): $7.3 million Allied Health Phase I (WIA): $2 million LVN to RN/Specialty Nursing (WIA): $1.3 million

7 State SB70” State Career Pathways $48M Using expertise of CCC CTE programs to re-establish or improve secondary CTE programs, special focus on high skill, high wage programs, EWD industry targets Approximately one-half funds for regional partnerships, upon approval of applications Early outreach to engage students in career awareness; includes major media campaign to promote CTE (WhoDoUWant2B?). Goal is drop-out reduction (2 nd largest project, after regional partnerships) Re-entry programs for drop-outs Various other smaller projects for technical assistance and building CTE infrastructure

8 State Apprenticeship - $7M Supports CCC classroom part of apprenticeships – “Earn while you learn programs” 3-way partnership: CCCs, Dept of Apprenticeship Standards, and sponsoring employer 26 Apprenticeship Related and Supplement Instruction (RSI) districts 160 apprenticeship programs comprised of a total of 66 trades/crafts titles located on 39 campuses

9 State Nursing and Allied Health Education Program for 2009-10 Enrollment Growth for Associate Degree/Registered Nursing (State): $13.8 M Health Occupation Preparation and Education (HOPE) Program (SB 70): $827,586 Career Development – via FTES (personal development courses) or student services program support Internships - Cooperative Work Experience – via FTES CTE equipment. Unfunded since 2006-09

10 Map -- Special funds Perkins $ 66MState CTE (aka SB70) $ 48M

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