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100 200 300 400 KMT Gas Laws Gas Variables Pressure Wildcard Unit 3, Section A Jeopardy Vital Vocab 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500.

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2 100 200 300 400 KMT Gas Laws Gas Variables Pressure Wildcard Unit 3, Section A Jeopardy Vital Vocab 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 Credits

3 Vital Vocab - 100 Vital Vocab - 100 Answer “the theory of the energy of particles and the forces that act between them; based on the idea that particles of matter are always in motion”

4 Vital Vocab - 200 Vital Vocab - 200 Answer “imaginary gas that perfectly fits the assumptions of the kinetic- molecular theory”

5 Vital Vocab - 300 Vital Vocab - 300 Answer “ process by which gases spontaneously spread out and mix with other gases

6 Vital Vocab - 400 Vital Vocab - 400 Answer “device that measures the pressure of a contained gas”

7 Vital Vocab - 500 Vital Vocab - 500 Answer “ process by which gases particles under pressure pass through a tiny opening”

8 “force per unit area” Vital Vocab - 600 Vital Vocab - 600 Answer

9 Vital Vocab - 100 Answer Vital Vocab - 100 Answer What is Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT)?

10 Vital Vocab - 200 Answer Vital Vocab - 200 Answer What is an ideal gas?

11 Vital Vocab - 300 Answer Vital Vocab - 300 Answer What is diffusion?

12 What is a manometer? Vital Vocab - 400 Answer Vital Vocab - 400 Answer

13 Vital Vocab - 500 Answer Vital Vocab - 500 Answer What is effusion?

14 Vital Vocab - 600 Answer Vital Vocab - 600 Answer What is pressure?

15 KMT - 100 KMT - 100 Answer KMT does not work for this type of gas

16 KM T - 200 KM T - 200 Answer According to KMT, ideal gases have zero ____

17 KMT - 300 KMT - 300 Answer This is the type of collision ideal gases have

18 KMT - 400 KMT - 400 Answer This is the way that gas particles move

19 KMT - 500 KMT - 500 Answer Gas particles do not _____ or _____ other gas particles

20 Hydrocarbons- 600 Hydrocarbons- 600 Answer Gas particles have an average KE directly related to this

21 KMT - 100 Answer KMT - 100 Answer What is a real gas?

22 KMT- 200 Answer 200 Answer200 Answer What is volume?

23 KMT - 300 Answer KMT - 300 Answer What is elastic?

24 KMT - 400 Answer KMT - 400 Answer What is constant, random, straight- line motion?

25 KMT - 500 Answer KMT - 500 Answer What is attract/repel?

26 Hydrocarbons - 600 Answer Hydrocarbons - 600 Answer What is Kelvin temperature?

27 Gas Laws - 100 Gas Laws - 100 Answer The conversion from Celsius to Kelvin temperature

28 Gas Laws - 200 Gas Laws - 200 Answer The gas law which describes the relationship between volume and temperature

29 Gas Laws - 300 Gas Laws - 300 Answer The gas law relating pressure and volume

30 Gas Laws - 400 Gas Laws - 400 Answer The gas law used to find the total pressure of a mixture of gases

31 Gas Laws - 500 Gas Laws - 500 Answer The gas law in which volume and the amount of gas are constant

32 Gas Laws - 600 Gas Laws - 600 Answer The type of relationship between temperature and pressure, as described by the Gay- Lussac Law

33 Gas Laws - 100 Answer Gas Laws - 100 Answer What is K = °C + 273 ?

34 Gas Laws - 200 Answer Gas Laws - 200 Answer What is Charles’s Law?

35 Gas Laws - 300 Answer Gas Laws - 300 Answer What is Boyle’s Law?

36 Gas Laws - 400 Answer Gas Laws - 400 Answer What is Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures?

37 Gas Laws - 500 Answer Gas Laws - 500 Answer What is the Gay-Lussac Law?

38 Gas Laws - 600 Answer Gas Laws - 600 Answer What is a Direct relationship?

39 Gas Variables - 100 Gas Variables - 100 Answer The symbol for temperature in a gas law formula

40 Gas Variables - 200 Gas Variables - 200 Answer Variable(s) held constant when using Charles’s Law

41 Gas Variables - 300 Gas Variables - 300 Answer The variables included in the Combined Gas Law

42 Gas Variables - 400 Gas Variables - 400 Answer The type of relationship between the gas variables P and T

43 Gas Variables - 500 Gas Variables - 500 Answer The volume of 3 L of a fixed amount of gas if the temperature doubles from 15 K to 30 K at constant P

44 Gas Variables - 600 Gas Variables - 600 Answer The gas variable P of a barometer is equal to 760 torr at sea level. The torr is named after this Italian scientist.

45 Gas Variables - 100 Answer Gas Variables - 100 Answer What is “T”?

46 Gas Variables - 200 Answer Gas Variables - 200 Answer What is P and the amount of gas?

47 Gas Variable - 300 Answer Gas Variable - 300 Answer What are P, V, and T?

48 Gas Variable - 400 Answer Gas Variable - 400 Answer What is a direct relationship?

49 Gas Variable - 500 Answer Gas Variable - 500 Answer What is 6 L?

50 Gas Variable - 600 Answer Gas Variable - 600 Answer Who is Torricelli?

51 Pressure - 100 Pressure - 100 Answer The definition of pressure

52 Pressure - 200 Pressure - 200 Answer Five different units of pressure:

53 Pressure - 300 Pressure - 300 Answer The SI unit of pressure

54 Pressure - 400 Pressure - 400 Answer P 1 = 2 atm V 1 = 2 L V 2 = 4 L P 2 = ?

55 Pressure - 500 Pressure - 500 Answer The device used to measure the pressure of a contained sample of gas

56 Pressure - 600 Pressure - 600 Answer The pressure of the atmosphere at sea level in units of psi.

57 Pressure - 100 Answer Pressure - 100 Answer What is force per unit area?

58 Pressure - 200 Answer Pressure - 200 Answer What are atm, kPa, psi, mm Hg, torr

59 Pressure - 300 Answer Pressure - 300 Answer What is Pa?

60 Pressure - 400 Answer Pressure - 400 Answer What is 1 atm?

61 Pressure - 500 Answer Pressure - 500 Answer What is a manometer?

62 Pressure - 600 Answer Pressure - 600 Answer What is 14.7 psi?

63 Wildcard - 100 Wildcard - 100 Answer The conditions of STP

64 Wildcard - 200 Wildcard - 200 Answer The conditions at which a real gas behaves like an ideal gas.

65 Wildcard - 300 - 300 - 300 Answer The molar volume of a gas at STP

66 Wildcard - 400 Wildcard - 400 Answer Three diatomic gases

67 Wildcard - 500 Wildcard - 500 Answer Mercury Barometer

68 Wildcard - 600 Wildcard - 600 Answer The name of the large test tube that we used in the Molar Volume of a Gas lab

69 Wildcard - 100 Answer Wildcard - 100 Answer What is 0 °C and 1 atm ?

70 Wildcard - 200 Answer Wildcard - 200 Answer What is low pressure and high temperature?

71 Wildcard - 300 Answer Wildcard - 300 Answer What is 22.4 L?

72 Wildcard - 400 Answer Wildcard - 400 Answer What are H 2, N 2, O 2, F 2, Cl 2 ?

73 Wildcard - 500 Answer Wildcard - 500 Answer What is a vacuum?

74 Wildcard - 600 Answer Wildcard - 600 Answer Where is a eudiometer?

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