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Measurement Lesson 1 Customary Lengths Customary Units of Length 12 inches (in.)=1 foot (ft) 36 inches =3 feet =1 yard (yd) 5,280 feet=1, 760 yards=

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2 Measurement Lesson 1 Customary Lengths

3 Customary Units of Length 12 inches (in.)=1 foot (ft) 36 inches =3 feet =1 yard (yd) 5,280 feet=1, 760 yards= 1 mile

4 Inches 12 inches 1 foot

5 Inches, Feet, & Yards 12x3=36 inches 12 in.

6 Inches, Feet, & Yards 36 inches= 1 yard 12 in. 36 inches

7 1 mile= 1,760 yards 5,280 feet

8 _______ feet = 1 mile 5, 280 _______ feet = 2 mile 10,560 How did you find the answer? 5,280 X 2

9 _______ yards= 1 mile 1,760 _______ yards= 2 mile 3,520 How did you find the answer? 1,760 X 2

10 _______ feet= 1 yard 36 _______ feet= 2 yards 72 How did you find this answer? 36 X 2 _______ feet= 5 yards 180 How did you find this answer? 36 X 5

11 _______ inches= 1 foot 12 _______ inches= 4 feet 48 How did you find this answer? 12 X 4 _______inches= 10 feet 120 How did you find this answer? 12 X 10


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