New France Test Review. Jacques CartierJacques Cartier An explorer sent by the king of France to find a short cut through North America to Asia. He names.

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1 New France Test Review

2 Jacques CartierJacques Cartier An explorer sent by the king of France to find a short cut through North America to Asia. He names the lad he finds Canada.An explorer sent by the king of France to find a short cut through North America to Asia. He names the lad he finds Canada. Sieur de MontsSieur de Monts He was granted a monopoly for the Fur Trade in Acadia (part of Canada)He was granted a monopoly for the Fur Trade in Acadia (part of Canada) Ste. Croix (1604)Ste. Croix (1604) The first French settlement in North AmericaThe first French settlement in North America MonopolyMonopoly Sieur de Monts was granted a monopoly for the fur trade – this meant that de Monts was the only person allowed to trade furs in this region (he had no competition)Sieur de Monts was granted a monopoly for the fur trade – this meant that de Monts was the only person allowed to trade furs in this region (he had no competition) Port Royal (1605)Port Royal (1605) The second settlement founded by the French (after the disaster of Ste. Croix)The second settlement founded by the French (after the disaster of Ste. Croix) Scurvy – cure for and causeScurvy – cure for and cause Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C – the native cure was to boil cedar boughs until a black teas was created.Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C – the native cure was to boil cedar boughs until a black teas was created. Order of Good CheerOrder of Good Cheer A club that was started at Port Royal to lift the spirits of the settlers. Each man would take a turn hosting a special feast or entertainment.A club that was started at Port Royal to lift the spirits of the settlers. Each man would take a turn hosting a special feast or entertainment.

3 Samuel de ChamplainSamuel de Champlain The Father of New France – Champlain was an explorer, soldier and mapmaker who helped found all three original settlementsThe Father of New France – Champlain was an explorer, soldier and mapmaker who helped found all three original settlements The Habitation (1608)The Habitation (1608) Modern day Quebec CityModern day Quebec City Native alliesNative allies The Algonkin, Montagnais and HuronThe Algonkin, Montagnais and Huron Native enemiesNative enemies The IroquoisThe Iroquois 6 parts of fur trade6 parts of fur trade The beavers, the native peoples and the coureurs de bois/voyageurs who trapped the beavers, birch bark canoes for transportation, the merchants to trade for the furs, and the fashions in Europe that was creating the demand for the furs.The beavers, the native peoples and the coureurs de bois/voyageurs who trapped the beavers, birch bark canoes for transportation, the merchants to trade for the furs, and the fashions in Europe that was creating the demand for the furs. Difference between coureurs de bois and voyageursDifference between coureurs de bois and voyageurs They were exactly the same except that the voyageurs had a license to trap and trade furs with the French Merchants. They had to start licensing the coureur de bois so they could control how many of them there were (there were so many Frenchmen running off into the woods that there was no one left in the colony to do the rest of the work)They were exactly the same except that the voyageurs had a license to trap and trade furs with the French Merchants. They had to start licensing the coureur de bois so they could control how many of them there were (there were so many Frenchmen running off into the woods that there was no one left in the colony to do the rest of the work) MissionariesMissionaries They were sent to help convert the native people to Christianity.They were sent to help convert the native people to Christianity.

4 JesuitsJesuits They were known as “soldiers of God” – their job was to try and change the religion of the native peoples to Christianity.They were known as “soldiers of God” – their job was to try and change the religion of the native peoples to Christianity. CuresCures Regular parish priests in New FranceRegular parish priests in New France TitheTithe A tax paid to the church – it was one tenth of your income for a year.A tax paid to the church – it was one tenth of your income for a year. 4 problems with New France4 problems with New France A low population, could not grow enough food for colony, the merchants still ran the colony and were only interested in making money, the Iroquois were constantly attackingA low population, could not grow enough food for colony, the merchants still ran the colony and were only interested in making money, the Iroquois were constantly attacking King Louis XIV – his improvementsKing Louis XIV – his improvements He sent soldiers to fight the Iroquois, the daughters of the king (1000 women to raise the population, and sent the Bishop, Governor, and Intendant to rule the colony in his name.He sent soldiers to fight the Iroquois, the daughters of the king (1000 women to raise the population, and sent the Bishop, Governor, and Intendant to rule the colony in his name. Bishop, Governor, and IntendantBishop, Governor, and Intendant The Bishop was in charge of the church, hospital, and schools. The Governor was in charge of the colony’s protection. The Intendant was in charge of the day to day running of the colony.The Bishop was in charge of the church, hospital, and schools. The Governor was in charge of the colony’s protection. The Intendant was in charge of the day to day running of the colony.

5 Jean TalonJean Talon “The Great Intendant” – passed several laws that encouraged people to marry early and have lots of kids.“The Great Intendant” – passed several laws that encouraged people to marry early and have lots of kids. CensusCensus A count of the populationA count of the population Les Filles de RoiLes Filles de Roi “Daughters of the King” – orphan girls from France sent to raise the population.“Daughters of the King” – orphan girls from France sent to raise the population. King’s GiftKing’s Gift 20 Livres given to boys who married before the age of 20 and girls before the age of 1620 Livres given to boys who married before the age of 20 and girls before the age of 16 Seigneurial systemSeigneurial system The land ownership system in New FranceThe land ownership system in New France SeigneurieSeigneurie A large piece of land given to a Seigneur by the King.A large piece of land given to a Seigneur by the King. SeigneurSeigneur A landlord in New France – given land by the king, he was responsible for dividing up the seigneurie into strips of land and finding settlers.A landlord in New France – given land by the king, he was responsible for dividing up the seigneurie into strips of land and finding settlers. HabitantsHabitants Settlers found by the Seigneur to live on the seigneurie.Settlers found by the Seigneur to live on the seigneurie. Cens et RentsCens et Rents The rent paid to the seignuer from the habitantsThe rent paid to the seignuer from the habitants

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