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Let’s score a 4!!! L. Davis/ENG I Pre-AP, NBHS.  You will write a total of three, one- page essays.  Two types of writing:  EXPOSITORY and LITERARY.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s score a 4!!! L. Davis/ENG I Pre-AP, NBHS.  You will write a total of three, one- page essays.  Two types of writing:  EXPOSITORY and LITERARY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s score a 4!!! L. Davis/ENG I Pre-AP, NBHS

2  You will write a total of three, one- page essays.  Two types of writing:  EXPOSITORY and LITERARY Let’s break it down…

3  Expository (informative) writing communicates information to the reader to share knowledge or to convey messages, instructions, and ideas. It involves communicating information at various levels of understanding, such as describing information, explaining or interpreting information, clarifying a process, or evaluating information.  Let’s see what an expository prompt looks like…

4 "I am not a tool for their use. I am not a servant of their needs. I am not a bandage for their wounds. I am not a sacrifice on their altars. I am a man. This miracle of me is mine to own and keep, and mine to guard, and mine to use, and mine to kneel before." -Prometheus Although the society in Anthem believes that all people should work to benefit the society, Prometheus chose to put his will above that of his society. Write an essay explaining whether people should be more concerned about themselves than about others.

5 Remember:  Intro: Thesis (Choose ONE side! Make a decision and stand by it. No neutrals.)  Body Para. #1: Concrete detail (Reason supporting your thesis) Commentary (Explaining HOW your reason supports your thesis) Commentary (Additional explanation)  Body Para. #2: Concrete detail Commentary  Conclusion: Re-state thesis, wrap it up!

6  Structure – clearly appropriate and responsive for purpose  Thesis – clear; ideas are strongly related and focused  Strongly unified and coherent  Shift/progression – logical and well controlled; transitions meaningful; easy to follow

7  Development of ideas effective  Details/examples – specific and well-chosen  Essay is thoughtful and engaging  Demonstrates understanding through connections to unique experiences or view of the world

8  Word Choice – purposeful and precise  Tone is appropriate and strongly contributes to the quality and clarity  Sentences are purposeful, varied, and well controlled  Consistent command of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and usage conventions  Errors are minor and do not disrupt strength of essay

9  You will write a fictional short story with a clear beginning, middle and end. You will follow the plot diagram and will include complex, engaging characters.  This is NOT a personal narrative. This is your chance to get CREATIVE and tell a story.

10 Look at the photograph. Read Think Write Write a story about having to make a decision and being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Be sure that your story is focused and complete and that it has an interesting plot and engaging characters.

11  You can base your fictional story on a real- life situation, but make sure your characters are fictional and well-developed.  Insert literary devices to enhance the story.  Establish and sustain focus throughout.  Meaningful transitions from one idea to the next. Make it flow! Use paragraphs!

12  Insert specific, well-chosen details that contribute to character development, conflict, and/or point of view.  Approach prompt with an unusual perspective, unique experiences or view of the world.  Diction contributes to clarity and is highly effective.  Sentence structure varied and well controlled.  Proof read! Use the dictionary to check spelling.

13  Give yourself time to read and understand the question. This is the most important step! Annotate key words within prompt.  PLAN! Invest 5-10 minutes to plan. Outline, plot map, T-chart…  Pace yourself! Allow yourself 40 minutes/essay.  Edit and proofread! Read essay from beginning to end—look for grammatical and structural mistakes. Use the dictionary to check spelling!


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