Marcy-Holmes Master Plan Update Introduction. Minneapolis Plan for Sustainable Growth A visioning document to guide public/ private growth and land development.

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Presentation on theme: "Marcy-Holmes Master Plan Update Introduction. Minneapolis Plan for Sustainable Growth A visioning document to guide public/ private growth and land development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marcy-Holmes Master Plan Update Introduction

2 Minneapolis Plan for Sustainable Growth A visioning document to guide public/ private growth and land development A tool to address – land use, transportation, housing, economic development, public services and facilities, environment, open space and parks, heritage preservation, arts and culture and urban design A guide for development in a coordinated, efficient, and sustainable manner Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 20132

3 Marcy-Holmes Master Plan Considered a “Small Area Plan” parallel to the Minneapolis Plan Defines how M-H will support the Mpls Plan and address issues unique to the neighborhood Update of the 2003 plan + supplements from 2007 and the 2009 small area plan for 15 th Avenue SE Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 20133

4 Progress to Date Committee of neighbors reviewed the Minneapolis Plan outline, set preliminary goals in each area (last fall) Draft goals and RFP approved by Marcy- Holmes Board Cuningham chosen as consultant Steering committee formed, schedule of open meetings established Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 20134

5 Marcy-Holmes Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 20135

6 Changing Nature of the Neighborhood Population Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 20136 1990-2010 Data from Minnesota Compass

7 Changing Nature of the Neighborhood Households Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 20137

8 Our Neighborhood How people get to work Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 20138

9 Our Neighborhood Outside of downtown, ZIP 55414 has more creative occupations jobs and employment per square mile than any other One of America’s Top Ten Eco-Communities-2007 Metro Blooms award winner for public gardens 3 historic districts Best views of skyline Bob Dylan slept here Riverfront & Dinkytown “destination” areas Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 20139

10 Neighborhood Sections West Side East Side Dinkytown 8 th Street Industrial Riverfront Core & periphery concepts—still valid? Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 201310

11 Process Going Forward Roles: Cuningham, Steering Comm. Open meetings – May 2: Intro & Strengths & Weaknesses – June 18: Land Use, Transportation, Open Space – August 8: Urban Design & Redevelopment – October 15: Final draft Decision-making process – October 15 General Membership Meeting – Board endorsement, submission to City Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association Master Plan Update 201311

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