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Web mapping interoperability in practice, a Java approach guided by the OpenGis Web Map Server Interface Specification Pedro Fernández, R. Béjar, M.A.

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Presentation on theme: "Web mapping interoperability in practice, a Java approach guided by the OpenGis Web Map Server Interface Specification Pedro Fernández, R. Béjar, M.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web mapping interoperability in practice, a Java approach guided by the OpenGis Web Map Server Interface Specification Pedro Fernández, R. Béjar, M.A. Latre, J. Valiño, J.A. Bañares, P.R. Muro-Medrano Computer Science and System Engineering Department C.P.S. University of Zaragoza, Spain Copyright © 2000 Pedro Fernández Bel EC-GIS 2000, 28-30 June, Lyon, France EC-GIS 2000, 28-30 June, Lyon, France

2 Index 1) Introduction 2) The Web Map Server Interface Specification 3) A Java approach 3.1) Java GIS engine 3.2) Web Map Server Architecture 3.3) Configuration Tools 3.4) Map Clients 4) Conclusions

3 Introduction OpenGIS Web Map Server Java Interoperability GIS Internet

4 Web Map Server Interface n The Web Map Server Interface Specification is a set of service descriptions to serve maps on Internet n Objectives u Publish maps on Internet u Interoperability n Services u Map u Capabilities u Feature Info

5 WMS interface: Map Request n The main service: Produce a map n Parameters u zone u reference system u content of the map (layer & styles) u format n Render suitable to client displaying capabilities u pictures (JPEG, GIF, PNG) u series of graphical elements (SVG) u packaged geographic data (GML)

6 Java approach to the WMS n We develop ‘small’ Geographic Information Systems u Distributed u Integration of geographic information n Java u Multiplatform u Net management capabilities n Java GIS engine u GIS support for our systems u Web map server integrates the GIS engine. u Used in two Java clients of the WMS u Used in other projects: Fleet Tracking Systems or Mining

7 n The application GIS capabilities are supported by our own GIS engine u Reusable Java Component u GUI for final applications u Map Support F Zoom, Pan, Selections F Layer management capabilities F Vector and raster data supported F Multi-render for vector data F Access to remote data GIS engine component Raster Vector  Map Control  GIS Tools

8 WMS architecture JMapServer Map data Vector + Images GIS Visualization Capabilities Manager Capabilities XML Map Request Builder > Web Map Server Temporal Map Images OpenGIS WMS interface Capabilities generator Map generator HTTP Parser Servlet

9 JMapServer n Implements Web Map Server Interface Specification v0.9 n Java 100% n Free of external licenses 100% n Accesible through an RMI interface u HTTP Servlet translates HTTP requests u Integration with other Java application u JMapServer can be remote u Dynamic updating of data F Fleet Tracking Systems

10 Configuration tools n Facilitates management of the Web Map Server n Map Generator u Graphic tool to generate maps u Based on the previous GIS engine u Build maps using data+render in a propietary format n Capabilities generator u Graphic tool to manage XML capabilities file u Configure all the parameters of the map server

11 WMS Clients n Three kind of clients n Functionality easily extendable n GIS capabilities can be integrated in more complex visualisation clients u Fleet Tracking Systems u Mining

12 WMS Client architecture OpenGIS WebMapServer JMapServer > HTML client > Java client > Applet client JMapServer Server sideClient side Local data Thin(downloaded) Thick Web Server

13 WMS Client example: HTML page

14 WMS Client example: Java2 Applet

15 Java2 Visualisation application

16 Conclusions (1) n Web Map Server u Version 0.9 implemented. u Interoperability among map repositories u Can be integrated into bigger geographic information systems n Java u Esential for the development of the application u Allows building portable software. u Solves net requirements

17 Conclusions (2) n Clients u Allow different levels of interaction with server. u Provide an extensible set of functionalities n GIS-engine u Reusable Java component u Used to build the web map server, and the clients u Reused in other GIS systems (mining, fleet tracking systems)

18 Contact n email:

19 Thank you for your attention!!

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