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Bloodborne Pathogens First Responder. Know the regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "Bloodborne Pathogens First Responder. Know the regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bloodborne Pathogens First Responder

2 Know the regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 1a

3 Epidemiology & symptoms of bloodborne diseases Bloodborne pathogens Decontamination Exposure incident Occupational exposure 2a

4 Epidemiology & symptoms of bloodborne diseases Parenteral Potentially infectious materials Universal precautions 2b

5 How diseases are contracted Workplace situations Non-workplace situations Routes of occupational exposure 3a

6 Exposure control plan Evaluation of risk Job classifications with: exposure to blood potentially infectious materials 4a

7 Exposure control plan Control plans vary, but also have common elements Implementation schedules 4b

8 Exposure control plan Communicating hazards to employees: hepatitis B vaccination post-exposure follow-up recordkeeping 4c

9 Exposure control plan Implementation of: engineering controls work practice controls PPE housekeeping procedures evaluation of exposure incidents 4d

10 Recognize potential exposures Blood and infectious materials at accident scenes Primary screening Primary assessment 5a

11 Engineering controls Primary methods of controlling transmission of HBV and HIV disposable airway equipment mouth-to-mouth resuscitation devices 6a

12 Handwashing facilities Locations Portable facilities 7a

13 Handwashing facilities Procedures remove gloves wash hands immediately use antiseptic cleansers 7b

14 Handwashing facilities Where there is a potential for exposure, prohibit: eating and drinking applying cosmetics or lip balm handling contact lenses 7c

15 Work practices Reduce the likelihood of exposure by altering the manner in which a task is performed follow universal precautions handwashing minimizing splashing and spraying of blood 8a

16 Housekeeping Minimize the risk of occupational exposure Keep work areas and equipment clean and decontaminated Establish cleanup procedures for blood and bodily fluids 9a

17 Housekeeping Establish procedures for handling sharps Watch for illegal injectionable drugs parking lots storage areas construction sites 9b

18 Personal protective equipment Best defense against unexpected hazards Must be used when possibility exists for exposure to blood or bodily fluids 10a

19 Personal protective equipment Must not allow blood or infectious matter to pass through to employees: clothes skin eyes mouth 10b

20 Proper use of PPE Limitations of PPE Replacements Removal 11a

21 Proper use of PPE Handling Decontamination and disposal Keep PPE clean 11b

22 Hepatitis B vaccine Efficacy Safety Method of administration Benefits of the vaccine 12a

23 Responding to an exposed worker Review worst-case scenario First responders may be involved: as one who has been exposed; or as a witness or participant where several employees have been injured 13a

24 Responding to an exposed worker Arrange for immediate and confidential medical evaluation Document how the exposure occurred Identify and test the source individual, if possible 13b

25 Responding to an exposed worker Test the exposed employee’s blood, if consent is obtained Provide counseling Evaluate any reported illness 13c

26 Post-exposure evaluation and follow-up A confidential medical evaluation and follow-up is available to employees 14a

27 Signs and labels Biohazard symbol Red bags and containers can be used as a substitute for labels 15a

28 Medical records Must be made available to employee 15b

29 Medical records should include: Employee name and social security number Hepatitis B vaccination status Results of all exams, testing, follow-ups 15c

30 Medical records should include: Copy of physician’s professional opinion Copy of information provided to healthcare professional 15d

31 Regulatory information 29 CFR 1910.1030(c)(1)(iii) Exposure control plans 16a

32 Summary of key points Written exposure control plan Training Engineering controls Work practices 17a

33 Summary of key points PPE Housekeeping Hepatitis B vaccine Exposure incident response 17b

34 Summary of key points Routes of exposures Methods of assessment for bloodborne pathogen risk Methods of protection while delivering first aid 17c

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