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Maths and Technologies for Games Quaternions CO3303 Week 1.

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1 Maths and Technologies for Games Quaternions CO3303 Week 1

2 We have used two methods to store a rotation: Representing Rotations 2.Three Euler/Fixed angles: – X, Y & Z, (or yaw, pitch & roll) –Can be combined in any order –Used in TL-Engine [See Van Verth for more detail] 1.A matrix: –Can just use 3x3 matrix for rotation –Used these in DirectX

3 Converting between Formats We can create a matrix from fixed angles –Create a rotation matrix for each angle: –E.g. Z rotation matrix of α: Multiply the matrices together: M = R X *R Y *R Z –Different results for different multiplication orders Can also convert matrix back to fixed angles –See Van Verth or the matrix class in the labs

4 Euler Angles – Pros/Cons Concise storage – just three floats Euler/Fixed angles seem intuitive –But which order to multiply when forming a matrix? –Different orders in same app can cause problems Are the rotations world or local rotations? –Depends on order again Gimbal lock can occur when one angle is 90° –The other angles interfere with each other, result is ambiguous –E.g. causing strange spinning effects when looking straight up or down (you will have seen this problem in some games)

5 Matrices – Pros/Cons Unambiguous definition of rotation –As compared to Euler angles 4x4 matrix can also hold position and scale –And totally different things: projection matrix Used by graphics hardware –Must convert all forms to matrices eventually But uses 16 floats –Much processing/storage even for simple operations Can be stored in two ways, by row or by column –APIs (DirectX) and maths texts use different forms

6 Axis-Angle Rotations Look for other ways to specify rotations… Can specify any rotation as a rotation axis r (a vector) and an angle θ (a scalar): Can convert to and from matrices (see Van Verth or matrix class) Useful way to think about rotation But operations are generally complex with this form –Including interpolation (see later)

7 Quaternions Quaternions can be used to represent rotation A general quaternion takes the form: –We will use these forms interchangeably We will mostly consider normalised quaternions: However, several quaternion formulae result in un- normalised quaternions –Often need to renormalise quaternions before reuse = examinable

8 Quaternions A quaternion is a form of axis-angle rotation –When in a normalised form If we rewrite a quaternion in this form: Then r and θ form an axis-angle rotation as described before: –r is a unit vector here

9 Quaternions – Pros/Cons Why use this more complex variation on angle-axis form? Because quaternions can easily be: –Combined together –Used to transform points/vectors –Quaternions can be interpolated easily A feature vital for animation, which is more difficult with matrices Quaternions only use 4 floats for storage However, they lack hardware support –So we need to convert them to and from matrices

10 Quaternion Formulae 1 A quaternion can be converted to a matrix: –A little expensive, can be simplified in code –Transposed from Van Verth book for row-based system (DirectX / math text difference) Reverse conversion is also possible (see Van Verth) Quaternions don’t convert easily to Euler angles

11 Quaternion Formulae 2 Quaternions can be added and scaled: –Scaling is used for normalisation Two quaternions can be multiplied to create a single quaternion performing both rotations: –Same effect as multiplying matrices, order important –Coded efficiently this is faster than matrix multiplication –N.B. Swapped multiplication order from text for row-based system

12 Quaternion Formulae 3 Inverse of a quaternion (the rotation in the opposite direction) is simple: –Assumes quaternion is normalised –Much faster than matrix equivalent, which can be complex We can also represent vectors as quaternions –Just set w = 0:

13 Quaternion Formulae 4 Rotate a vertex or vector p by a quaternion q=(w,v) : –Slower than matrix equivalent –1st formula reversed for row-based system (2nd remains same) –N.B. The formula in earlier Van Verth edition is incorrect Derivation of most formulae in Van Verth –As well as further detail

14 Quaternions: Initial Summary Quaternions can perform similar operations to matrices –With comparable performance –But need to convert to / from matrices –And can’t store position / scaling No compelling reason to use them yet But next week we will see how quaternions compare to matrices for interpolation –And how this is used this for animation

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