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10/9/2015  Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd Creating a television star!

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1 10/9/2015  Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd Creating a television star!

2 10/9/2015  Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd Creating a television star! When the BBC were planning their schools programme "Numbers Plus", they decided to use Roamer as one of the main characters. This meant that they had to design a persona for the Roamer character, Trundle. This is a record of the design process. Iain Macdonald (Senior Graphic Designer) took the design brief to create a contemporary, slightly anarchic, streetwise persona for Roamer. He produced a series of drawings.

3 10/9/2015  Copyright Valiant Technology Ltd Creating a television star! These were discussed by the production team who decided to use elements of a couple of them Our media star - Roamer as Trundle. Next stop Hollywood! Andy Lazell (BBC Visual Effects Designer) came up with the exact colouring, paints, finishes and materials. Photos courtesy of Luke Finn, BBC Education

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