Activities of MARS WP.6 UNECE. Activities of the UNECE „MARS“ Group by Mr. Arpád Gonda President of SOSMT, Bratislava Geneva, 24 – 26 October 2005.

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1 Activities of MARS WP.6 UNECE

2 Activities of the UNECE „MARS“ Group by Mr. Arpád Gonda President of SOSMT, Bratislava Geneva, 24 – 26 October 2005

3 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Second UNECE International Forum on Market Surveillance and Consumer Protection, which takes place in frame of the 15th. meeting of the Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies. Its goal is above all identify good practices in the area of market surveillance, to look into current problems of operating market surveillance systems and to consider areas of interest for trans-national cooperation.

4 Nowadays is much more demanding to ensure the competitiveness with regard to growing requirements for enterpreneurship, which close relates to such aspects, as are the increasing consumers´requirements, rapid technical and technological changes and greater requirements for protection of environment and all these aspects under conditions (in the atmosphere) of satisfied market.

5 Into focus comes not only the economical aspect, expressed by the requirements for high performance and low costs, but innovation shall be supported by the ability to reduce time, necessary for getting products on the market. Increasing consumers´ requirements shall be fulfiled by the products and services of higher quality. Common concern of public authorities and consumer is safety of products, which is also covered by the European Directive 2001/95/EC on general safety of products. The global market provide the business sphere with the enlargement of the area for business, new investment opportunities and penetration of entrepreneur subjects at the world market.

6 European Commission has determined a direct framework of these bodies by which they must proceed when the system of market surveillance is concerned. Market surveillance is the main instrument for implementation of New Approach Directives via measures in order to monitor that all products are in accord with requirements of directives in force as well as to monitor that appropriate sanctions has been imposed in case that products were not in accord with directives in force. The main goal of this procedure is to protect not only consumers interests, staff and other users but also interests of economic keepers against unfair competition.

7 Directive on General Safety of Products provides exact description of obligations for Member States of EU to organise market surveillance and to implement appropriate instrument of inspection. This Directive can be used as a reference for market surveillance operated within New Approach Directives regarding to consumer goods.

8 Member States must ensure efficient communication and co-ordination on national level within market surveillance bodies and other bodies working in the field of goods safety (bodies for safety and human health and customs bodies). Measures within the analysis of risks and management of risk put forward by market surveillance bodies should correlate with activities of customs bodies. Market surveillance is efficient when resources are focused on the fields with higher risk of discord or when particular interest may be identified.

9 RAPEX - Rapid Alert System for Non-Food Products PRODUCT SAFETY IN EUROPE: A Guide to corrective action including recalls

10 First International Forum on Market Surveillance initiated the establishment of the Advisory Group of Experts on Market Surveillance, which works within the WG.6. At this plathorm take place meetings of market surveillance representantives from Europe and countries of Community of Independent States, European Commission representantives and UNECE Secretary, as well as the representatives of private sector and consumer´s organisations. Slovak Republic is very proud of being entrusted with this task. Since its establishment three meetings of this ad hoc group has been organised in famous mountains and spa of the Slovak Republic.

11 Establishment of Groups of „facilitators“ for individual topics Terminology Information exchange Reference list – self-assessment Possibility of adapting ISO 9000 or other quality management systems to the work of Market Surveillance

12 market surveillance priority for succesful global co-operation


14 Goals for further work: - to examine the possibility of using an information exchange system on dangerous products - to draw up „Guidelines on Good Practices in Market Surveillance Activities“ -to enhance consumer awareness by cooperation with public authorities and organizations responsible for consumer protection -to collect the results and present them to the WP.6 plenary session

15 Third MARS meeting in April 2005, High Tatras In conjuction with CEFTA meeting on conformity assessment and market surveillance

16 MARS and CEFTA 2005 joint discussions and contributions from national from various sub-regions. shared information on the current situation of Market Surveillance in various countries, particularly in those which had already acceded to the European Union and in candidate countries. importance of closer cooperation at national level between different Market Surveillance authorities new participants in MARS facilitator tasks


18 Invitation to joint to the facilitator groups Terminology (Bulgarien) Information exchange Reference list Quality system of Market Surveillance Product liability and legal framework Anti fraud and conterfeited goods Generic guidelines for good practice

19 High Tatras ( March 2006 ?)

20 Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing looking forward to meet you on the neext MARS meeting

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