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CSC 335 Review Game Exam 2. Teams Andrew, Marshall, Riley, Z Emily, Paul, Dawn, Lisa Gavan, Catharine, David, Alex D Michelle, Matt, Rohan, Jamie Ben,

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Presentation on theme: "CSC 335 Review Game Exam 2. Teams Andrew, Marshall, Riley, Z Emily, Paul, Dawn, Lisa Gavan, Catharine, David, Alex D Michelle, Matt, Rohan, Jamie Ben,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC 335 Review Game Exam 2

2 Teams Andrew, Marshall, Riley, Z Emily, Paul, Dawn, Lisa Gavan, Catharine, David, Alex D Michelle, Matt, Rohan, Jamie Ben, Jerry, Alex Z, John Casey, Zane, Lawrence, Alexis Hugh, Zack, Fritz, Dillon Colby, Malecki, Spencer, Tim, Patrick

3 Individual Round

4 1. What are the values of x & y at the end? int x = 3; int y = 1; y = ++x;

5 2. What is printed? int *ptr; int x = 5; ptr = &x; *ptr = 4; printf(“%d”, x);

6 3. Finish the function: int add(int *a, int *b){ return __________; }

7 4. Call the function: int f = 712; int g = 63; int sum = add(____,____); int add(int *a, int *b){

8 5. Which is true of C? –It is a third-generation language. –It is imperative. –It is procedural.

9 6. What is y? y = [x % 2 ==1 for x in range(1,6)]

10 7. What is y? y = [x for x in range(1,6) if x%3 ==1]

11 8. What regular expression matches ten symbols (letters, numbers, spaces, whatever) followed by zero or one a?

12 9. Describe Prolog in terms of: - Declarative/Procedural? - Compiled/ Interpreted?

13 10. Describe Prolog in terms of – Paradigm – Generation

14 11. Do they unify? a(b(X),X,c(d(Y))) with a(Z,e,c(A))

15 12. What does it do? mystery([4|T], X):- mystery(T,X1), X is X1+1. mystery([H|T],X):-mystery(T,X).

16 13. What language does it generate? S -> AB A -> aA | a B -> bbb

17 14. What makes a language context-free?

18 15. When would you prefer to write a program in Prolog rather than C?

19 16. How do you prove a language is ambiguous?

20 17. What is special about a line of C code that starts with the # symbol?

21 18. Consider the language a n b n. Is it: –Regular –Context-free –Both –Neither

22 19. When might you declare a C variable with the “register” keyword?

23 20. What is aliasing?

24 21. Which regular expression gives an odd number of a’s?

25 22. What language does it generate? S -> abS | ab

26 23. Give an advantage of static scoping over dynamic scoping.

27 24. What parameter passing mechanism does C use?

28 All-Play

29 What is the result for the different passing schemes? global int z = 0; func(z); write(z); void func(int x){ x = z+1; z= z+10; }

30 a = 2 b = 1 3.Main(): 4. a=3 5. b=7 6. int x = 10 7. A(x) 8.A(x): 9. int a = -3 10. Print x 11. B(x) 12. B(x): 13. Print a What is the symbol table on line 13 if there is static scoping? If Main calls A which calls B, & there’s dynamic scoping, what is symbol table on line 13?

31 Write regular expressions String is either 4 or 5 digits. String is either 40 or 50 digits. String includes 2 of the same number.

32 Write the grammar: L = {a n b m, m>=n+2}

33 Write a prolog predicate that takes a number and generates a list of that number down to one. generate(+Num, -List) Example: generate(5,L) gives L=[5,4,3,2,1]

34 All-play Write C function that counts how many numbers in an array are positive. int numPos(int* array, int size)

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