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Vision 2020 Question #1—Why do we exist?. Tonight’s Goals… To begin working towards a Biblically clear, succinct, and passionate answer to the question,

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Presentation on theme: "Vision 2020 Question #1—Why do we exist?. Tonight’s Goals… To begin working towards a Biblically clear, succinct, and passionate answer to the question,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision 2020 Question #1—Why do we exist?

2 Tonight’s Goals… To begin working towards a Biblically clear, succinct, and passionate answer to the question, “Why does HBC exist as a church?” – Biblical (Duh!) – Clear (Geico Rule: So easy a caveman…) – Succinct (KISS=Memorable) – Passionate (Don’t bother if you’re not bothered)

3 Index Card Exercise On the index card at your seat, please answer the following question in one sentence… – Why does HBC exist as a church? (2-3 minutes) – Please share your answer with your table – Discuss any similarities in your answers

4 Index Card Exercise (Next Step) As a table, please answer… – Why does HBC exist as a church? – One answer per table

5 Let’s Go to the Good Book As a table, please read the following passages and answer the question below… – Matthew 22.37-40 – Matthew 28.19-20 What is the purpose of a church according to Christ?

6 The Purpose of the Church Matthew 22 Love God Love People Love Oneself Matthew 28 Go Make Disciples Baptize Teach

7 COMPARE Jesus’ Words Love God Love People Love Oneself Go Make Disciples Baptize Teach Table Answers

8 COMPARE #2 Jesus’ Words Love God Love People Love Oneself Go Make Disciples Baptize Teach HBC Constitution To be a dynamic organism empowered by the Holy Spirit to share Christ with as many people as possible in our church, community, and throughout the world


10 HBC’s Current Stated Purpose 1.Is it Biblical? (DUH Principal) 2.Is it clear? (Geico Principal) 3.Is it succinct? (KISS Principal) 4.Is it fueled by passion? (The “Don’t Bother if You’re Not Bothered Principal”)

11 Our purpose must burn deep within our bones If it doesn’t fire you up, there’s a problem!!!

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