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1. Find your perfect holiday. A place you have been looking for…China… By Ayesha & Chloe.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Find your perfect holiday. A place you have been looking for…China… By Ayesha & Chloe."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Find your perfect holiday. A place you have been looking for…China… By Ayesha & Chloe

2 Contents Title Travel Facts More Travel Facts Culture Traditions and Customs Environment-mountains, deserts, rivers, coastlines. China Sights- The Great Wall of China, The Terracotta Warriors, Disney Land. China Flora China Fauna Chinese Dance More Chinese Bibliography End 2.

3 Travel facts Having a holiday in China? Great idea!  China is located in Asia  China has the largest population – 1.34b  Over 90% of the people there speak mandarin  It is located in the northern hemisphere  Chinas climate varies from bitter cold in winter to unbearable heat in the Summer 3. Mandarin Script Traditional Chinese Dress

4 More Travel facts  China shares a border with another 12 different countries  China is one of the world's oldest civilizations, with nearly 4,000 years of history  China’ s main cities are Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin  The national flag of China is red and rectangular 4 Beijing Shanghai Tianjin

5 Culture In China, 5000 years of history has seen the creation of many festivals. Chinese New Year is one of the most important of all the festivals. The date of the new Year falls between late January and late February, depending on the lunar calendar. New Year Day is spent with close friends and family worshiping ancestors and gods. After all of this a three day lantern festival begins. Lanterns bearing the symbols of good fortune, happiness and health are purchased and hung in homes. There are also performances of drums and dragon dances in the streets and lanes. 5.

6 Traditions and customs It is traditional to bring a gift when you are invited to someone’s house. Usually fresh flowers or fruit are the best, the number eight is considered lucky, so eight apples or eight oranges is a good idea. In China, by law, you are only allowed to have one child. If you have more than one, you are fined but other than that no action is taken. 6. The lucky number eight Eight oranges are a good idea for a present.

7 Environment Mountains China has some of the oldest recorded history of any country on earth. They found that the first mention of sacred mountains were found in China. The sacred mountains of China are divided into two groups one with Taoism and the other is Buddhism. 7.

8 Environment Deserts The Gobi desert is a large desert region in Asia. It covers parts of the northern and north-western China. There aren’t many deserts in China- only nine. One of Chinas other deserts- the Taklimakan Desert is nicknamed the Sea of Death. It has poisonous snakes, frequent sound storms, boiling days and freezing nights. The Sea of Death is in fact, the second largest desert in the world. 8.

9 Environment Rivers China has more than 50, 000 rivers. The longest river in China is the Yangtze River. It is the third longest river in the world. The Yellow River is the birth place of ancient Chinese culture and is the second largest river in China. 9.

10 Environment Coastlines China has coastlines that cover approximately 14,500 km from the Bohai gulf on the north to the Gulf of Tonkin on the south. China’s coasts are on the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea. 10

11 China Sights Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is not a continuous wall but is a collection of short walls. It is 8,850 kilometres long and was originally designed to keep the Mongolian warriors out of China. It is also known as the ‘Long Wall of ten thousand Li’. The Great Wall of China is on the world heritage list. 11.

12 China Sights The Terracotta Warriors The Terracotta Warriors are the most important archaeological excavation of the 20 th century. It is significant because hundreds of detailed life-size models of the army that won over all the other Chinese armies. It took 38 years and 720,000 builders to complete. The Terracotta Warriors were buried for 2,200 and so far 1,868 Terracotta Warriors have been found. 12.

13 China Sights Disney Land The Hong Kong Disney Land is located in Lantau island. The park has 4 theme areas Main Street USA, Fantasy land, Adventure land and Tomorrow land. This year it is Hong Kong Disney land 5 th anniversary. This year it is November and they have also opened a Toy Story Land. There is a day time parade and night time fireworks. The one day tickets cost – Adult – HK $350/Child(3-ll) HK $250. 13.

14 China Flora China’s flora is rich and known worldwide for its variety. China is also one of the countries with the most plentiful plant life in the world. There are more than 32,000 species of higher plants. The Met sequoia, a tall species of a plant, is considered to be one of the oldest and rarest plants in the world. China is home to more than 2,000 species of edible plants and over 3,000 species of medical plants. 14.

15 China Fauna In China there are such well – known, rare animals as the Giant Panda, golden – haired monkey, South China tiger, red crowned crane, red ibis and Chinese alligator. The black and white haired giant panda weighs on an average 135kg and lives on tender bamboo leaves and shoots. 15

16 Chinese Dance The earliest forms of dance grew out of religious festivals and celebrations. In ancient times, dance was regarded as a kind of physical exercise that helps calm the body and the mind. It was used for rituals and military exercises. Traditional Chinese dance can be divided into two broad categories: Court Dance and Folk Dance. Folk Dance is the favourite art form in China and is hugely popular with the Chinese people. 16

17 More Chinese Dance China is an ancient country whose 56 ethnic groups contribute to a cultural heritage, each ethnic group has its own unique folk dances but the dances share common themes and meanings that reflect stories and feelings. China dance is an important part of the ancient Chinese term "Yue" which includes several elements such as poems, songs, dances and music. 17.

18 Bibliography Dance- Free choice Introduction Culture sef sef 18.

19 Bibliography Environment| china-that-you-didnt-know-about china-that-you-didnt-know-about Sights my/b mePage Ayesha & Chloe 1

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