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Period One Warming up and Reading. 学习目标 1. 通过阅读,能理解剧本故事情节:一位来自社会下 层语言粗俗的卖花女,偶遇上层社会的皮克林上校和 希金斯教授的情形。 2. 通过课文的学习,能了解剧本主题:人的语言和行 为都受他 ( 她 ) 所处的社会地位和社会环境的影响,但.

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Presentation on theme: "Period One Warming up and Reading. 学习目标 1. 通过阅读,能理解剧本故事情节:一位来自社会下 层语言粗俗的卖花女,偶遇上层社会的皮克林上校和 希金斯教授的情形。 2. 通过课文的学习,能了解剧本主题:人的语言和行 为都受他 ( 她 ) 所处的社会地位和社会环境的影响,但."— Presentation transcript:

1 Period One Warming up and Reading

2 学习目标 1. 通过阅读,能理解剧本故事情节:一位来自社会下 层语言粗俗的卖花女,偶遇上层社会的皮克林上校和 希金斯教授的情形。 2. 通过课文的学习,能了解剧本主题:人的语言和行 为都受他 ( 她 ) 所处的社会地位和社会环境的影响,但 是后天的努力可以改变现状。要学会有决心和勇气改 变自己的现状,寻求机遇,不断提升自己,挖掘自己 的潜力,追求不断地进步的能力。 3. 通过课文的学习,提高阅读能力。 4. 掌握与本课阅读有关的重点词汇,分析背诵课文中 部分经典句子。

3 重点难点 分析、背诵经典句式;培养阅读能力。

4 新知预习 1. 英汉互译 1) 经典的;第一流的 adj._________ 2) 犹豫 vi. __________ 3) 使人心烦的 adj.________ 4) 结果;效果 n._________ 5) 错误的;不正确的 adj._______ 6) 才华横溢的 adj. _________ 7) 适当地;恰当地 adv.___________ 8) 运气;大笔的钱 n._______ 9) 一般来说 adv. ___________ 10) pass…off as… __________ 11) remark n. _________ 12) condemn vt. ____________ 13) make one’s acquaintance _______ 14) in terms of _____________ 15) classify vt. _________

5 2. 回答下列问题 1) Do you know the classic Greek story Pygmalion? _______________________________________________ ___________________________________ 2) Have you read the play Pygmalion, an adaptation of the story, written by George Bernard Shaw? ________________________________________________ ___________________________________

6 课堂探究 【探究 1 】 Decide the following sentences TRUE or FALSE and correct them if false. 1. Eliza was selling some flowers when Higgins first met her. ( ) 2. She succeeded in selling some dead flowers to Higgins for some small change. ( ) 3. Higgins wrote down her name and address. ( ) 4. Higgins was good at judging people from their own speech. ( )

7 5. Higgins could earn a lot from his job ( ) 6. Higgins promised to find her a good job ( ) 7. Either of them had planned to meet the other although they didn’t know each other. ( )

8 【探究 2 】 Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage. 1. What does Henry Higgins do? A. He is a language researcher. B. He is an employer. C. He is a policeman. D. He is an officer. 2. Why does Henry Higgins want to teach the flower girl language? A. Because he thinks he has the ability to teach anyone language. B. Because he wants to prove to Colonel Pickering that he is right. C. Because he can do good research in language with the girl. D. Because he thinks language level decides one’s social position.

9 3. From the play, we can infer the reason why Henry Higgins is anxious to meet Colonel Pickering? A. Because they are good friends. B. Because they have met before. C. Because he wants Colonel Pickering to help him. D. Because he is researching in the same field like phonetics as Pickering. 4. We can guess that the flower girl ______. A. wishes to sell more flowers B. hopes to change her life very much and believes what Higgins says. C. wants Henry to find a job for her D. hopes to help Henry with his research

10 5. What would more likely happen next? A. Henry Higgins will try to find a job for the girl. B. The girl will continue to sell her flowers. C. The girl will attend Henry’s class to try her fortune. D. The girl’s spoken English will become better.

11 【探究 3 】 佳句赏析 1. Professor Higgins(H): an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person’s English decides his / her position in society. (P 28, L3-L4) ( 译 ) __________________________________________ 解析: an expert in phonetics 做 Professor Higgins 的 ________ 语; convinced 在句中作 _______ 语; that 引 导的从句作 convinced 的 _______ 语。短语: be convinced of 坚信 …. ;确信 …. ; convince sb. of sth./ that… 使 …. 坚信 …. ;使 …. 确信 …. 。

12 练习: 1) I am convinced that he was guilty.= _______________________________________________ _____________________________________. 2) I don’t think her forced smile will ________________( 使她父亲信服 ) that she lives happily on that small lonely island.

13 2. But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths. (P 29, L45) ( 译 )___________________________________________ _______________________ 解析:这是一个复合句。 every time 引导是 _________ 从句;主句的主语是 ________ ;谓语是 ________ ; themselves 是 betray 的 _________ 语。

14 3. Once educated to speak properly , that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador ’ s garden party. (P 30, L4-L6) ( 译) ________________________________________________ _ 解析:当从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,从句的 主语和 be 可 以省略,表示主动用现在分词,表示被动用过去分词 。此处表示被 动,在 once 和 educated 之间省略了 __________ 。

15 【探究 4 】课文研读 1. Find out the sentences in the text which have similar meanings with the following one. 1) So I got to Britain to get to know you. _______________________________________________ _____________________________ 2) You can judge where he is from according to what he says. _______________________________________________ _____________________________

16 2. Translate the sentences. 1) I can place any spoken conversation within six miles, and even within two streets in London sometimes. _______________________________________________ ____________________________ 2) Perhaps I could even find her a place as a lady’s maid or a shop assistant, which requires better English. _______________________________________________ _____________________________

17 达标练习 Complete the following according to the text, then try to retell it. Higgins, Pickering and Eliza were 1 from the rain. Eliza was a poor flower girl who was 2 to improve herself. But she could speak poor English. The expert in phonetic, Higgins, noticed this and became 3 in teaching her English. At first he wrote down the words that the girl used. She was surprised at this. Later she knew that phonetics were 4 from people’s own 5. And that was Higgins’ 6 and hobby. Higgins said her 7 English will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. Once 8 to speak properly, the girl could 9 herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party. Higgins and Pickering had exchanged their own opinion and decided to teach her 10 from the alphabet.

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