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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 MendeleevThe Atom Random Knowledge Star Stuff Atoms in the Table Periodic Table.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 MendeleevThe Atom Random Knowledge Star Stuff Atoms in the Table Periodic Table."— Presentation transcript:




4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 MendeleevThe Atom Random Knowledge Star Stuff Atoms in the Table Periodic Table

6 I was created by Mendeleev. A 100

7 What is the Periodic Table? A 100

8 Mendeleev arranged elements in this increasing order. A 200

9 What is Atomic Mass? A 200

10 Mendeleev knew the location of how many elements? A 300

11 What is 63 elements? A 300

12 Scientist changed Mendeleev’s chart in 20 th century by doing this A 400

13 What is put the elements in order of atomic number? A 400

14 Mendeleev predict this would happen and did happen within 20 years A 500

15 What are 3 unknown elements on the periodic table? A 500

16 The smallest complete particle that makes up an element. B 100

17 What is an atom? B 100

18 The subatomic parts of an atom. B 200

19 What is Electron, Neutron, and Proton? B 200

20 The electrically charged particle on the outside of the nucleus. B 300

21 What is the Electron? B 300

22 Positively charged subatomic particle. B 400

23 What is the proton? B 400

24 Where all an atom’s weight is located. B 500

25 What is the nucleus? B 500

26 Term in which an angle is measured. C 100

27 What is a Degree? C 100

28 The type of Science are we studying (hint… it’s in the name of your book) C 200

29 What is chemistry? C 200

30 The three states of matter that are found on earth. C 300

31 What is Solids, Liquids and Gases? C 300


33 4x -6=18 C 400

34 What is X=6 C 400

35 The most common element on earth. C 500

36 What is Carbon? C 500

37 This is the state of matter that occurs when electrons are stripped from the atom. D 100

38 What is the plasma state? D 100

39 We are originally created from this. D 200

40 What is star stuff? D 200

41 The intense heat in stars cause two smaller nucleuses to under go this process. D 300

42 What is Nuclear Fission? D 300

43 Lead develops from this cosmic force. D 400

44 What is a Supernova? D 400

45 Many synthetic elements are created in machines with this name. D 500

46 What is a Particle Accelerator? D 500

47 A common, short hand way of writing elements like Sodium, Na, Potassium, K, and Oxygen, O. E 100

48 What are chemical symbols? E 100

49 A molecule that has a different amount of neutrons than usually found in nature like carbon 14(change from carbon 12) and deuterium (hydrogen with a neutron). E 200

50 What is an isotope? E 200

51 All of these elements are safe, unreactive non-metals. E 300

52 What is a noble gas? E 300

53 In a particle accelerator scientist make these short lived elements. E 400

54 What is a synthetic? E 400

55 Elements that have characteristics of both a metal and a nonmetal. E 500

56 What is a Metalloid? E 500

57 Families are determined by this in the periodic table. F 100

58 What is a Column? F 100

59 The atomic number represents these subatomic particles. F 200

60 What is the atomic number? F 200

61 These type of elements(state of matter) dominate the nonmetal groups. F 300

62 What are gases? F 300

63 The rows of elements are referred to by this name. F 400

64 What is a period? F 400

65 The properties of an element can be predicted by this. F 500

66 What is its location on the table? F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Elements Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 I tend to live a very short life and break apart quickly. Click on screen to continue

69 What are synthetic or man-made elements? Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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