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School year end report  Devoted time to reviewing data  Require research based strategies  Began imbedding Common Core into lesson plans  Observed.

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Presentation on theme: "School year end report  Devoted time to reviewing data  Require research based strategies  Began imbedding Common Core into lesson plans  Observed."— Presentation transcript:

1 School year end report  Devoted time to reviewing data  Require research based strategies  Began imbedding Common Core into lesson plans  Observed classrooms  Individual meetings with teachers  Participated in team time  Conducted FLEX time  Joined department meetings  Provided updates to ACM  Planned District Staff Development Days  Continue to evaluate and develop curriculum aligned to Common Core Standards

2 Our future How do we keep Holland, Holland? Evaluate what is precious and remain focused on what is best for students Educational Plan CDEP…Technology-Curriculum- Enrichment-RtI-Professional Development, etc.

3 Help more students reach proficiency Improve student performance Process of Improvement Assessments….observations Orient to specific goals/objectives Analyze Data (evaluate practices and processes) Decide and act Assessment…..

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