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A Paschal Spirituality

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1 A Paschal Spirituality
Ronald Rolheiser

2 A Spirituality of the Paschal Mystery
1What is needed for any mature spirituality? a serious grappling with the reality of our own suffering and death 2What is found at the center of a Christian spirituality? The suffering, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Meaning for us here and now?

3 Paschal Spirituality continued
3. Two kinds of death? Terminal and paschal Difference? 4 When does this paschal spirituality begin within us? With death……? 5. What are 5 distinct movements within this paschal journey?

4 The Journey Jesus’ paschal journey to Christ practical guide to how we should live 5 Steps 1. Death 2. Resurrection 3. 40 Days (Transition) 4. Ascension (Letting go) 5. Pentecost (Holy Spirit)

5 5. What is meant by experiencing “many deaths’ and many ‘rebirths’?
We are continually changing It is the secret to happiness in life….?

6 How is this a practical guide to life?
1. Death: (Good Friday) continually dying to one’s self. What is dying in you? What is struggling to be born? Meaning? 2. Resurrection (Easter Sunday): New life (different from old) 3. Transition (40 days); always need time to adjust to new reality, new life 4. Ascension (Christ leaves); need to mourn loss of old life; to let go; rarely easy 5. Pentecost (New Spirit); letting go needed to let new Spirit of God into your life

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