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Color Symbols IN the Great Gatsby

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Presentation on theme: "Color Symbols IN the Great Gatsby"— Presentation transcript:

1 Color Symbols IN the Great Gatsby

2 The face behind which characters hide.
White Represents: The face behind which characters hide. Façade to cover purity and innocence.

3 Daisy and Jordan’s clothes Gatsby’s suit Buchanan’s mansion
White Examples Daisy and Jordan’s clothes Gatsby’s suit Buchanan’s mansion

4 Wealth, corruption, dishonesty.
Yellow (Gold) Represents: Wealth, corruption, dishonesty.

5 The golden haired girls at Gatsby’s party
Yellow (Gold) Examples: The golden haired girls at Gatsby’s party Daisy’s accessories Jay’s car Hair color- Daisy, Pammy

6 Hope, rebirth, to “go”, youth, choice, serenity
Green Represents: Hope, rebirth, to “go”, youth, choice, serenity

7 The interior of Jay’s car Nick’s grass
Green Examples: Daisy’s dock light The interior of Jay’s car Nick’s grass Nick talks about the green light at the end of the book he says "It eluded us then, but that's no matter- tomorrow we will run faster, stretch our arms out farther...."

8 Fantasy, lost time, escape.
Blue Represents Fantasy, lost time, escape.

9 Jay’s lawn –escape from reality, blue gardens
Examples Jay’s lawn –escape from reality, blue gardens Tom’s car –unhappiness of marriage George’s eyes –dreams of escape.

10 Industrialization, dreary, bleak, lifeless
Grey Represents: Industrialization, dreary, bleak, lifeless Examples: Valley of Ashes – Displacement of American Dream.

11 Death, abuse, violence, destruction
Red Represents: Death, abuse, violence, destruction

12 Examples: Tom Buchanan Tom’s carpets Myrtle’s nose Myrtle’s death
Red Examples: Tom Buchanan Tom’s carpets Myrtle’s nose Myrtle’s death Gatsby’s pool water

13 Water Motif: Examples: Tea Party rain storm Swimming pool
Gatsby’s funeral Water bodies separate characters. Daisy, Myrtle Bathtub

14 Observant, watchful, non-judgmental Examples: Owl-eyes T.J. Eckleberg
Eyes Motif: Represents: Observant, watchful, non-judgmental Examples: Owl-eyes T.J. Eckleberg Nick Moon

15 Industrialization, status symbol, carelessness, recklessness Examples:
Cars Motif: Represents: Industrialization, status symbol, carelessness, recklessness Examples: The broken wheel Jay asking Nick to set up meeting Jay’s car Tom’s car The drive to NYC

16 It clearly represents Gatsby's dreams and hopes,
Green light: It clearly represents Gatsby's dreams and hopes, Subtle, associations such as money and the go-go attitude depicted of the 20s. The light also seems to symbolize the impossibility of Gatsby winning back Daisy, being far away in the distance and out of reach.

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