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Oedipus Rex By: Melanie Lally and Katelynn Greenawald.

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Presentation on theme: "Oedipus Rex By: Melanie Lally and Katelynn Greenawald."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oedipus Rex By: Melanie Lally and Katelynn Greenawald

2 Our Idea Of Ancient Greece

3 Beliefs We believe that the gods controlled everything, everyone and they also controlled fate. For example, the people in Greece believed Apollo controlled fate.

4 Marriage In Greece, you can’t marry your own parent. You were said to be punished by the gods. For example, Oedipus married his mother and when they both found out Jocasta committed suicide and Oedipus stabbed out his eyes causing him to go blind.

5 Government They had a king and queen that ruled there town or city. For example, Oedipus took over control of the city of Thebes and married their queen Jocasta.

6 Fashion Wore light fabrics that were pinned at the sides. They also almost never wore shoes and if they did, they wore leather sandals. For example, Oedipus was said to have stabbed out his eyes with the pins that held Jocasta’s clothing together.

7 What Ancient Greece Was Really Like

8 Beliefs The Greeks believed in many gods and were called polytheists. They believed in anthropomorphic polytheism. This means they believed that the gods could change forms.

9 Marriage All marriages in Greece were arranged. The girls were married off between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. Men usually decided to marry off when they were in their twenties and thirties.

10 Government During ancient times, Greece was broken up into many nations that were ruled by many different kings and queens. The city of Athens is said to be the birth place of democracy.

11 Fashion Women wore a long rectangular garment with a hole at the top and sides for the head and arms. These were tied around the waist with a piece of rope. Men wore similar attire but the cloth it was made from was wool.

12 Websites Used For Information  L L L  tm tm tm

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