Language and Gender part 2 – Literature focus Tuesday 24 th – Friday 27 th September.

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1 Language and Gender part 2 – Literature focus Tuesday 24 th – Friday 27 th September

2 Pablo Neruda – Body of a Woman

3 Challenge Divide into male/female groups. In your group, you will analyse your interpretation of the poem. Select specific lines of importance to discuss In 10 minutes, we will regroup and present your reading of the poem to the other group. Cover all aspects of the imagery that you think are important to the understanding of the poem as a whole.

4 Discussion In what sense is the body of the woman like a world? Give evidence from the poem and extend your explanation of the images. How does Neruda use this image to describe the immensity of his love? Does the segmentation of the woman’s body have any specific effect?segmentation

5 4 Corners task Look at these quotes from the poem. You are going to work in small groups of 4 and have 5 minutes at each corner of the classroom.quotes from the poem For each of these quotes, consider the following aspects – language, tone, imagery and theme. Annotate the sheet to convey your ideas


7 A Doll’s House Look at the title of the play. Spend 5 minutes in pairs to discuss the connotations of the title. What does it mean? What can we predict this play might be about?

8 Nora First appears as the perfect bourgeois wife. Has an affliction for excess; she is introduced to the audience returning laden with parcels after a shopping excursion. Loving wife and mother, she only wants the best for her family She is a restless and chameleon-esque character who appropriates her behaviour to her needs

9 Torvald Believes himself to be the epitome of the respectable 19 th century husband Treats his wife with disdain, as if she were a endearing little pet He represents the pomposity and superficiality of the domestic male in a patriarchal society His security depends of his feeling of superiority over others, especially Nora

10 Reading Act One Reading up to the entrance of Mrs Linde – pages 1-5 Roles: Nora, Stage Directions, Torvald, Maid Reading Act One

11 Challenge Using quotations to support your ideas, try to answer the following questions in detail: What are your first impressions of Nora and Torvald? Comment on the nature of their relationship at this point. How do they interact with each other? How does language and behaviour reflect gender roles? Consider the importance of the stage directions. What are Ibsen’s intentions here?

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